Since it couldn’t be any more pointless than the Jetsons thread, I decided to post this question: Is Fred Flintstone a neanderthal? I ask because in the original cartoon the people seem to come in two distinct body types: fairly tall and slender (though some are a bit paunchier), and very squarely and stockily built, though often of different heights. Fred and Barney are the latter type. Did they ever depict any specimens even more beastial than Fred? And yes I know that in the movies Fred proudly proclaimed that the Buffalo Lodge no longer accepted neanderthals, but let’s stick to canon here.
The forehead and jaw would tend to suggest not.
I dunno. Did Neanderthals have only four fingers on each hand?
No more than Ralph Kramden.
They’re just dumpy cro magnons. Just like Messrs Spacely and Cogswell (who had about the same build as Fred) in the Jetsons.
He’s a modern Stone Age man.
By Jove, they are The Honeymooners for kids, aren’t they?
It’s usually written Neandertal these days, to go along with the pronunciation.
Modern archeological thinking is that the Neandertals never achieved the stone television set – or if they did it was black-and-white, and you had to get up off your stone sofa to change the channel, because they hadn’t mastered the range of small-bird technology that worked so well for Fred.
The show initially was aimed for an adult audience - it aired in prime time and was sponsored by Winston cigarettes. Fred and Barney even appeared in the Winston ads.
Yeh, here’s Fred and Barney the nic fiends lighting up. I wonder if they were ever sponsored by Old Granddad bourbon?
Is Fred Flintstone a neanderthal?
Of course not since Neandertals never mastered the technique of capturing a bee in a clam shell to use as a shaver! [That’s my most memorable hilarious bit from the cartoon! ]
I think that this is the best illustration of the “ask-a-silly-question-get-a-silly-answer” phenomenon that I’ve seen all week.
But there are “types” of people on the flintstones.
For instance, Betty has both whites in her eyes AND a waist.
Wilma has a waist but lacks whites in her eyes.
Barny has no white and no waist
Fred has whites in his eyes but no waist
Pepples has whites in her eyes.
Classic Flintstones.