Police Juristicton Question

I’m driving down to Florida from New York next week, and as someone was warning me about the police on the New Jersey Turnpike (again), I got to thinking.

If I’m near the state line, say less then a mile, and a police car comes up behind me with its lights on to pull me over. Could I just wait till I cross the state line and the police officer is out of luck? Or will he continue because he is in pursuit? Maybe he will just radio the police in the next state and have them pull me over?

Now, I’m not actually thinking of doing this, I’m just wondering what would happen. So I’m not asking advise on how to break the law, so the thread doesn’t need to be closed. :slight_smile:

Hey, I got a can not find server error when I first tried posting, so could one of our helpful mod’s please delete this duplicate thread? Thanks.

IANAL but I know that police can chase you out of their jurisdiction… as long as they are in pursuit and they tried to stop you while they were in their jurisdiction.

Hey, I got a can not find server error when I first tried posting, so could one of our helpful mod’s please delete this duplicate thread? Thanks.