A man with an Obama sticker on his car was rammed. 10 year old daughter was in the targeted car.
Alright, this is getting crazy.
A man with an Obama sticker on his car was rammed. 10 year old daughter was in the targeted car.
Alright, this is getting crazy.
From the linked article:
Once he started driving again, down Blair Boulevard, towards his home, he said, “I looked in the rear view mirror again, and this same SUV was speeding, flying up behind me, bumped me.”
Duren said he applied his brake and the SUV smashed into the back of his car.*
Why the hell would anybody apply the brake in that scenario?
I love how liberals automatically assume they’re being persecuted for their beliefs, rather than it being, oh, a simple accident, or Road Rage, or their own bad driving. Stay classy!
Who gives a fuck? It’s not a relevant question. Do you actually have anything to say about the attack or are you just going to blame the victim?
The part where the guy keeps pushing the car up onto the sidewalk after the driver of the impacted vehicle got out to inspect the vehicle is one clue. Stay clueless!
You mean like how liberal Congressmen have already been targeted with death threats, and Pubbie leadership have said nothing to stop it, going so far as to blame the incitement of violence on liberals?
I expect that when it’s proven this guy was targeted because of his political beliefs, you’ll come back and apologize?
You mean like how a GOP office has been shot at? You mean like House Minority Leader John Boehner denouncing the violence?
Where’s the apology for assuming it was done based on a bumper sticker? Or is it your policy to hang Republicans and worry about guilt later? Considering you were wrong on your assumption above you have given this all the lawful consideration of a KKK lynching.
Bolding mine.
Road rage.
Richmond police now say the bullet which hit Cantor’s office was random:
I give a fuck, and it is a very relevant question. At the moment, the article you linked provides only the unsworn statement of an alleged victim. Applying the brake in this scenario is not a normal reaction, and there is no mention of him being stopped in traffic or anything.
And until you become a moderator, you do not get to question the content/appropriateness of my posts.
The Republicans are responsible for law enforcement now?
It doesn’t sound like a simple accident, but at the same time, how does the victim know it was caused by the Obama sticker?
Not a big fan of reading links or the whole thread before you post are you Slit?
Lol. I mostly remain silent about controversial things/people, but you really take the cake. Didn’t you already quit the boards a few times?
Only in our dreams.
I read the whole thread and the article. It says the guy pointed at the car, but do we know for sure he was pointing at the sticker?
Twice, actually. Once here, once at Domebo. What’s your point?
Nothing, just that you’re good for a chuckle.
I do believe I’ve been insulted. In MPSIMS, where insults are not allowed.