I’m compiling what could be called a 'zine – a collection of writings from various people (mostly students at this point) in response to ‘the political landscape of today’ i.e. Bush’s re-election, the war in Iraq, the Social Security issue, etc. So far I’ve gotten everything from a few sentences to a few pages from people of various political affiliations and perspectives.
I want to branch out to include more than just college students from Charleston, SC and random passerby. So I am reaching out to you, SDMB community, for ideas and submissions. Do you have suggestions for specific places I can ‘advertise’ online for submissions? Are you interested in submitting something yourself, or do you know someone who might have something worth contributing?
We have a blog with more information, if you like.
For the record, I have done some online networking several months ago but had to abandon most of it when my school work load got too heavy. I didn’t get very much response to begin with. I’m hoping to get the compilation (or at least a first installment) out by the end of April.