Poll: Masturbation, Marriage & Gender

Simple poll for people who are currently married

  1. How many years have you been married?
  2. Are you male or female?
  3. How often do you masturbate?

8 years
almost daily

I’ve jerked it three times since I clicked on the thread.

11 years
almost never

We’re not *legally *married, but

21 years.
Only when one of us is out of town.

11 years.
Probably 3x/week. If my wife’s away for a few days, daily. I think it helps keep me from being bored while I’m at the house and she’s not there to talk to.

  1. 3
  2. female
  3. typically, couple of times a month - lately, almost never since we’re trying to get pregnant :smiley:


7 years

My wife:

7 years

12 years (married or cohabitating)
3-6 times per week, depending on my cycle

10 Years
3-10 times per week, usually 4-5


  1. 49
  2. can’t remember; not since the prostate went berserk

1)15 years
2) female
3)almost never, maybe like 4 times a year.

3 times a week on average

OK, we didn’t get that many responses, but basically I was trying to confirm the theory that masturbation frequency will be pretty low in the beginning of the marriage, starts to increase after a few years of marriage (due to less frequent sex), then peaks, and then at some point starts to decrease (due to age-related health issues and reduction of libido)

Don’t have much data to work with, but the data we do have in this thread sort of conforms to that

Data for men and women together:

  Years  Frequency (per month)
    5      12
    8      30 
    7      30
    7       0 
    10     18
    11     12
    11      0 
    12     18
    15      0.33
    49      0

Data for women only:

  Years   Frequency (per month)
    5      12
    8      30 
    7       0 
    12     18
    15      0.33

Data for women only:

  Years   Frequency (per month)
    7      30
    10     18
    11     12
    11      0 
    49      0

Well, o.k., in the interest of science…

15 years
Almost daily

21 years
4x week

I’m glad to see so many women in this thread that enjoy masturbating. My gf thinks I’m crazy.

11 Years (well, not married for that long, but living together.)
About 2 - 3 times per week.

We need some newlyweds in this thread! (to fill out the curve at the lower end of the spectrum)

You’re destroying the pattern :slight_smile:

Wait, are you gay or straight?

Hmm. Well, I have two answers:

  1. 8 years
  2. Female
  3. Maybe 3-4 times/month, at the most, and all of them usually at night when I wake up from a sexually charged dream.

But, now that I’m pregnant and my hormones are raging:
3) About 5 times/week…sometimes following a dream, and sometimes, just 'cause.

Hubby Deathllama’s stats:

  1. 8 years
  2. Male
  3. About 2-7 times/week, depending. (I’m thinking the 7x/week might be, for example, during the months of morning sickness where EVERYthing made me want to puke. Sex? Pass.)