Poll on Outer Space Beliefs

We are all intelligent… but what do you REALLY think is going on??

What’s the question?

God did it is always a answer but OTOH the Big Bang is just a question that does not explain anything, it’s just a projection of how far we can see into the past, it does not answer where that came from.

Based on your options I vote for aliens did it as we certainly didn’t and yet it is done.

All of the evidence we have so far accumulated points to the Big Bang.

Thank you all for taking the poll. My question is, are these things deleted after the expiration date or does the poll stay up, without people being able to vote?

(Posted above the poll.) Your thread will remain, though.

I voted “don’t give a crap” (and thank you for providing that as an option) because like most people I have no clue what role aliens played in anything.

I find basic simple questions get more information than complex questions.

I don’t care because it’s unknowable with our current technology. It’s like shooting the breeze over time travel: fun, but ultimately fruitless. Like anything unknown, I believe that when we do find out the facts someday, it will be far beyond anything we could imagine today.

Why is there no multiple answer option? :confused:

There is. You just check off as many boxes as apply.

Unless you’ve already voted. No do-overs.

Big bang because it the currently held opinion supported by science as we know it.

And who cares because what difference does it make on this third rock from the sun?

1 and 3.

I appreciate the responses. :smiley:


  1. Don’t know…yet.

God made the Big Bang, just to troll all the scientific types.

I went with 1 and 2. Evidence so far points to a Big Bang, but I believe in a First Cause.

1, 2, and especially 5, because the Big Questions really don’t have much day-to-day impact on life.

Same here. I’m all on board with scientific theory, but it only explains what happened *after *“the beginning”. So the question of “what caused it all to happen in the first place” seems to boil down to “God (in whatever shape, form , quantity, etc.) did it” or “It just happened”. I refuse to believe that everything is here because of random chance.

Then in what frame did God exist before he created the universe?

Has he been here forever?

Then why can’t the universe have also been here forever?

Aren’t they contradictory? All science so far points to a big bang. And if that’s the case my understanding would be that the universe is finite and expanding, not eternal and infinite.

I think either is possible by the way, just not simultaneously.