Poll... wash hands before sex?

Personally, it’s never really mattered. My gf, OTOH, is an obsessive germ-phobe who absolutely refuses any kind of sexual contact without first showering.

I’m a virgin, but I do let my fingers do the walking. They better be washed beforehand.

No, I don’t purposely wash my hands before sex… but I’m obsessive-compulsive and am always washing them anyway, for no particular reason. So my hands are always clean. :smiley: I do definitely wash them (and everything else) afterwards though…


Mind you, the only guy I’ve ever had sex with is my husband, and he has seen me give birth to our kids, so I’m assuming that possibly dirty hands aren’t high on his gross-factor list.

  1. Usually no. Unless I’ve been having one of my hot-pepper-eating fits. Capsaicin + private bits = not fun. Or if I feel particularly dirty and sweaty and there’s a little time, perhaps I’ll take a quick shower, but 19 times out of 20, no.

  2. No. I don’t recall any of my partners ever washing their hands before sex. And I personally wouldn’t assume it to be standard protocol. This ain’t surgery, after all. (Unless I’ve been doing it wrong all these years.)

Yeah, but the thing that put the germs on the hands is going inside you anyway. Think about it.


I like women to be natural, ever tried licking a bar of soap?

Who the hell are you dating???

Back when I used to have sex, unless I had been doing something physically dirty (engine work, buffalo wings, etc.) I didn’t wash my hands first.

And I was more likely to have to wash my face AFTER.:stuck_out_tongue:

[sub] the smiley is just so appropriate here…[/sub]

Well, If Mrs. Chef has that look in her eye just before bedtime, I certainly shower and scrub EVERYTHING well… I want to be clean enough to eat off of, just in case.

So my hands get nice and clean in the process - but it’s incidental to the general decontam process.

OTOH, if Mrs. Chef wants to grab herself a handful, I wouldn’t care if she had motor oil on her hands…just nothing that burns, please. (and a little tip, Mrs. Chef… washing your hands, even with soap and water, does NOT completely remove all traces of Icy Hot. I was willing to take one for the team and play hurt, but I wouldn’t want to repeat the experience.)

No, not specifically. But considering the size of my bladder, chances are very good that I will have washed my hands recently anyway.

One of my favorite things to do when a woman is going down on me for the first time is to stop her and say very seriously: “Did you brush your teeth? . . . Did you rinse with mouthwash? . . . No? . . . you are not seriously comtemplating giving me a blow job without first cleaning your mouth are you?”

You’d be amazed by how many think I might be serious.

I can not get in the mood if I think I need a shower. This seems to bother me more than my hubby. I think I could be covered in dirt from head to toe but as long as I was naked and willing I would be A OK with him.

The only time I insist that hubby wash his hands before sex is if he has been using that icey hot gel stuff. Once he had pulled a muscle or something and rubbed some of the gel on his sore shoulder before we went to bed. When he touched me * down there* it felt nice at first then started to burn. The dialogue continued as followed

Me: my p*ssy is getting hot

Him: Oh yeah, I like it hot

Me: No I mean HOT, Yikes I’m on fire!!! Oh hell how do I get this shit off. Yow! Ouch! Oh shit it’s getting worse. Oh Fuck it’s Hot Hot !!!

Washing the area with soap and water only seemed to make it worse. I finally got a cool washcloth and held it on there for a while, then put some of that aloe vera with anesthetic on it. Hubby was no help cause he was doubled over laughing.

Needless to say, after all that the mood was hopelessly ruined. Not hot stuff for hubby that night and for a couple of days after. The heat has faded but Muffy never forgets.

I’m a big fan of clean, but for me, it usually consists of showering before getting together. If I ever get something really nasty on my hands, I wash it off immediately, so when it comes time to fooling around, I feel confident that I’m clean enough. I prefer to use my tongue to fingers anyway. I do make it a point to trim my fingernails, though. That’s something I think all guys should do out of consideration.
As for the girl, same thing. Unless thier hands are covered in slime, or they just picked road kill off the ground, I feel confident that they’re clean enough. Basically, if I don’t mind her holding my hand, I don’t mind her holding my junk.

Only if I have a bowel movement before sex. And you’d be surprised how that can put you in the mood!

My last boyfriend and I always brushed our teeth before we did anything. I found it greatly amusing.

No, but insist my girlfriend be appropriately perfumed before sex.

:: d&r ::