Well the title is a little misleading but it gets your attention right?
In CarlyJay’s thread on hand washing, Antigen mentioned showering and sex. Hence the question: do you regularly shower before and/or after sex? Why?
I will shower before sex if it’s been a particularly hot day, like it was last weekend. I picked the boyfriend up from work and when we got to my unconditioned apartment, I was feeling decidedly unsexy and overheated. So we showered.
We always shower after knocking boots because we both get a bit sweaty and covered in potentially sticky fluids (lube is surprisingly sticky as it dries…)
Honestly? It depends on the sex - low-down sweaty, no condom aerobic sex, Yeah!
I don’t need everyone around me within scent radius knowing I just had sex.
Quick-hurry-up-before-the-kid-wakes-up-do-you-hear-jammie-feet-coming-down-the-hall sex with a condom, Nah.
I usually try to shower/bathe if I know we are going to have sex, just because I find it a thoughtful thing to do if your lover is prone to going South.
But I don’t always know ahead of time (not like there is a schedule somewhere) and I am not a freak about it. I have even had just got out of the field from exercise stinking to high heaven sex (we showered after).
When you want to, you want to. After childbirth nothing seems as bad anymore.
I like to shower before if I can (sometimes, when you just happen to have sex in an elevator, a shower isn’t always handy)
If I’m home, I like to shower after as well. It’s nice to both get in the shower after a good session for some “play time”. I’m also a very good boob washer,. or so I’ve been told.
I’m puzzled by this [emphasis added]; what is the deciding factor?
The wife and I have never worried about showering w/regards to sex- although squeaky-clean sex is always nice, we’re usually too horny to take time out to shower, especially since with two young kids in the house, you seize the opportunity when it comes around.
Although if I’ve gone “downtown” and we’re going somewhere after, I’ll wash my face.
Put me in the always shower before sex column. Not necessarily right before but I usually know when sex is a possibility so within a couple of hours.
My partner also has to be showered within hours. If oral sex is a possibility, he must shower right before sex or it isn’t happening. I have found my partner is usually happy to oblige.
If it is late in the evening and we have been working all day, and plan on having sex in the bed, we always, always take a shower.
If we were out drinking and come home, the above rule does not apply.
If it is in the morning and it is quick morning sex, no shower.
After the sex, if a lot of lube is used, sometimes a shower is taken (the stuff creeps up around guys stuff too, you know).
My wife takes a shower after sex if it is not in the middle of the night almost 99% of the time, because her OBGyn told her it might help prevent UTI’s.
Before sex? If one of us is offensive (and we’re not shy about telling one another these things: “Honey, I love you more than life itself. You stink. Get a shower before you come to bed”), we’ll shower. Of course, that’s true whether we’re going to have sex or not. Afterwards? Sometimes right away, sometimes we’ll just go to sleep and wait until morning to shower. Depends on how sweaty things get.
I’m down with your description of “during”. Not the erotic mind-bender I had always imagined. Sometimes too many acrobatics to get into full insertion mode & stay there, tho I have enjoyed oral in a shower, both giving and receiving.
Maybe I’m weird, or maybe I have the luxury of not having kids around any more (we’re mostly at HIS kidless place, and even at mine, I have older teenagers who’re mostly not around 'cept late at night, & then in their own rooms), but I can’t imagine showering after nighttime sex. I love the smell of just having made love all over both of us and fragrancing the room, and won’t ordinarily make that go away until morning. Morning sex followed by showers is routine however—we’re usually going somewhere like work.
Showers before sex are if we feel like it. I wouldn’t make it a condition for oral sex performance (I’m kind of bohemian that way) but it IS pleasant when all the parts are clean and fresh.
I tend to shower at night (long hair and dirty jobs both contribute to that). Sex also tends to occur at night, although I hate having sex when I just get out of the shower. I can’t stand that wet, sticking to the sheets, freezing cold feeling. Usually, therefore, I shower, we read or watch tv, then get on to other things. We tend to shower together after morning sex, but that’s a weekend thing, where we’d be showering either way.
I’ve always been mystified by movie’s portrayal of people who collapse of exhaustion after sex, fall asleep, and remain there until morning. Does anyone do this?
I mean, I don’t shower after sex unless I’m going out, usually, but I’m at least going to get out of bed and clean up a bit. Sex is messy. I don’t particularly want to wake up stuck to the sheets, you know?
That must go along with The Zipless Fuck, where clothes just magically fall off. It’s the same world where people wake up in each other’s faces with no morning breath at all, apparently, and people enjoy kissing someone who has just barfed.