Would you rather be smart but lazy, or reasonably intelligent but hard working and skilled? Would you rather have raw ability or a sense of acomplishment?
I’m personally the former, but sometimes I wish I was the latter. It would make things more worthwhile to me.
At the risk of sounding arrogant I hate the feeling that I don’t deserve the things i have. Too many things are too easy.
I am the former and it has caused all kinds of problems in my life. My FIL and most of his friends exemplify the latter and they are all multimillionaires and happy as clams. I think the latter is better for everyone.
I’d rather be brilliant and lazy, because then you can always get off your butt and get motivated when there’s something important to do. If you’re hardworking but not so smart, and you find yourself facing something very complex or difficult, learning takes time. A long time.
No, I enjoy sitting here in my aura of intelligence, looking down at the adoring masses who surround me to worship my giant brain. When I need something done, I can talk one of those hardworking dummies into doing it for me.
This is essentially what I was going to say. Except that I was going to take two pages or so to say it. But seeing as Antigen has written a perfectly good summary of my feelings on the matter, I’ll just chime in with a “me too” and be done with it. Thanks, Anti!
I hate it. I could be so much more than I am and I don’t have the motivation to fix that.
I have a friend who is arguably less inherently intelligent than I am but she works so incredibly hard that she often accomplishes better and more impressive things than anyone would think possible in the time she has. I respect her quite a lot and wish I could see what I would accomplish if I were to work as hard as she does.
How far apart do you mean by “smart” and “reasonably intelligent”? Hard work counts for a lot, but a smart lazy guy can choose to work harder, at least at things that are important to him, and he might also think of more efficient ways to get the work done. A hard-working guy can’t choose to be smarter. I vote for smart.
I am smart and I consider my main flaw to be my laziness and lack of drive. I think I could figure out how to do pretty much anything if only I could get motivated to do it.
Of course, I can see the opposite side of the street. Folks who say “I’ve got the will and the way, if only I knew which way to go.”
I suppose the ideal situation is for me to engage in a partnership with someone from across the street. Anybody want to be my executive?
One could gain some useful insight into the SDMB’s demographic by carefully watching the comments in this thread.
I’m the only reasonably intelligent but hardworking person? I would rather be reasonably intelligent but hardworking because a) given enough time and effort even someone who is not a genius can figure out a better way of doing things and b) my happiness comes out of being productive and seeing the results of my work. All the brains I have beyond what I need to work do nothing but make me miserable, so I would rather have the extra gumption.
Hmm. This summarizes my husband and myself, in that order. With the possible exception of the skills, in my case.
As many have pointed out, I’d rather be smart. However, I do take pride in being so hard-working, and it’s tough for me to accept it when people goof off. Raised with a Puritan work ethic, or something.
I am smart and lazy, 100%. I jockey a register at your local convenience store. My feet hurt all the time. There is not a single coworker of mine that approaches my intellect, and I’m really not bragging. When I use words like “indictment” or “extrapolate,” people look at me like I have 6 heads.
However, I love the fact that I have very little responsibility in my work… I spend all my energy on non-work-related activities.
Let’s see, it’s 2:30AM on a week night, I’m watching Animal House on TV while I play online poker and read the SDMB. Let me grab another beer and think about this a little bit longer.
As someone who trends smart/lazy, I find people who embody the Puritan work ethic are the bane of my existence. (Nice to meet you, too, says furthur…)
It always seemed to me that the real nut of the PWE was a kind of populist social control. Keep busy at all times, lest you be tempted to step out of line, get high falutin’ ideas, rock the boat and p!ss off God. It adapted marvelously to the Industrial Age production line economy - all that was needed was for management to start acting like God.
I’m with the majority of you - too damn smart and lazy for my own good.
It’s actually gotten better since I started my own business, as now I really do have no one to blame but myself if things start to go in the shitter.
The biggest problem with me is that I work incredibly hard at the things I love to do, like playing and recording music, while I let the non-fun things, like paperwork and finances, fall pretty far down the priority list.
I never let things get so far behind I’m losing money but quite often I find myself writing or practicing when I know that I really should be looking at contracts or making phone calls.
Smart and lazy here. I don’t if I’m that smart though since college hasn’t been a breeze. I’m not sure which I’d prefer. If I was less smart, but busted my ass, I don’t know if I’d get better grades. I would also have a lot lower expectations though so just being where I am now would be an accomplishment. I guess I’d just stay as I am if I had the choice.
At school we were graded on both attainment and effort. The scheme worked for the mid-level pupils, but for us clever ones, it backfired.
It became a status symbol for me and my friends to get an A for attainment and an F for effort, which we achieved to varying degrees on a regular basis.
Despite this, my work ethic is fairly good - when I have enough work to do (SDMB notwithstanding).