Pool crashed into basement. How do we fix this?

I’m a new chapter advisor for my fraternity at my Alma mater. It’s that time of the year again. Back to school and fall rush. I wanted to think of something that would attract potential new members. Me and the fraternity brothers came up with an idea, but it blew up in our faces…well, multi-purpose room.

We thought it would be cool if we placed an above ground pool in our multi-purpose room. You know, a DIY indoor pool. The set up was easy. Our multi-purpose room is wide and high. No problem right?

We had a party Friday night to test the pool out. Me, some actives, and some girls. The hose fitted into our pool perfectly, we had no problem getting the pool wet. I was concerned that it wasn’t long enough to go from the outside to the inside.

We had a good ol time. Beer, inflatable furniture, and music. Everything went well until all of the sudden the whole fucking pool crashed into the basement! Thank God no one was in it when it happened. We were outside eating.

How on earth do we fix the floor in our multi-purpose room and the ceiling in our basement? We could have someone to fix it, but then it would get reported to the university. We want to avoid that, because they might shut down our house.

Good news is, you now have a two-story basement. Next party should feature a trampoline. What’s the worst that could happen?

You need to call a licensed engineer and building contractor.
This is not something you can address by yourselves. The work will need to be signed off on by building inspectors at multiple points in the process.

You honestly didn’t see the risk in 50,000 lbs. of water?

I wonder how your national chapter would feel about drunk swimming at a frat sponsored event, (and the potential drowning risk and liability that comes with it). What a foolish thing to do.

I should add that a structural failure like this could very well compromise the entire building. It may very well be unsafe to occupy.
You really need an engineer to address this ASAP.

Assuming this whole thing isn’t a joke, how on earth do you think you’re going to be able to repair this degree of damage without having the university authorities find out?

I gotta think this post is a fake. Unless the OP can supply a link to a local news account of the event?

Sounds like the OP is trying to keep this hush-hush. (Good luck with that.) A photo or two of the damage would be interesting.

And what zoid said.

Who nominated you?

If it had been covered by the news, then the university would know about it.

This has got to be a troll, because it’s so perfectly an example of some of the worst things we know about fraternities.

If it’s true, then Nickel, Please?, your frat needs to evacuate the house immediately. Report the incident to your national and follow their advice.

Or a diving board.

Wait, what about the thousands of gallons of water now in the basement? No mention of that?
Hmmm. I am suspecting this is a joke.

What is an ‘active’?

I hope that Nickel, Please!? - should he actually exist - isn’t studying civil engineering.

No engineers in that frat.

I’m wondering what university graduates people of this caliber.
Do DeVry or Capella have frats?

Gee not bad for your first post!!!

(although we’re all wondering if it will be your last, too.)

But do tell us how you managed to siphon out all the water from the basement without anybody noticing.
And pleasetell us why you’re afraid the university might shut down the house…is there a rule on campus that forbids installing pools? Or maybe it’s because you were also using inflatable furniture, which must surely be a violation of the rules requiring proper decorum at campus events? :slight_smile:
(and , just in case the OP was serious: hire a structural engineer right now. Before somebody gets killed.)

Yep. You know how I can tell? There were girls there.

I’ll be the first to hi-jack.

What was the dumbest thing you did in college?

I needed to replace the chain in my transfer case on my Chevy truck. So naturally I pulled it off the truck, wheeled it to the elevator in dorm building on a transmission jack, and took it up to my 5th floor room to rebuild it.

What could be simpler :rolleyes:

Note to others: Once off the vehicle, a 1976 Chevy transfer case will leek all of it’s 90weight oil. Four quarts of 90w spread out on the floor in a small enclosed room, does not smell very good.

What,pray tell, do you study?
Remember the engineering class that built the Aggie Bonfire?

An active member of the fraternity. http://studentservices.fgcu.edu/GreekLife/Terminology.html