Porn star Katie Morgan - genius or moron? Your opinion please.

Up late last night with a head cold and caught another one of the endless Katie Morgan specials on HBO. This is the one where she was basically standing there totally naked while she narrates screen shots about the history of various sex toys. I found the old clips of black and white porn fascinating.

Also saw one several years back where she was interviewing for her first big film.

Haven’t seen any of her hard core stuff yet - it’s on my list of things to do.

But I can’t help wondering - is she really the complete airhead, dumbbell, klutz that she presents herself to be or does she have a higher than room temp IQ? In the specials I’ve seen every once in awhile there a flash of sly wit or sarcasm that leads me to think there may be something inside her head after all.

Just wondering and I needed to kill another 10 minutes before I hit the highway. What do you think? :confused:

I think she’s putting on a dumb-blonde act. Actual dumb blondes are not nearly as funny as Katie Morgan is. She reminds me of Rhonda Shear, who used to do a blonde bimbo impersonation on “USA Up All Night,” or Goldie Hawn on “Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In,” or Charo in just about anything.

Anyone can be genuinely stupid, but I think you gotta have a certain amount of smarts to be stupid in a funny way.

I caught that show a few days ago (hey, I was flipping through the channels and there was a nekkid woman on one of 'em- of COURSE I stopped).

I had no idea who she was, but her cute-n-dorky act really worked. Damn, she’s cute. I’m pretty sure the dumb blonde act was just that- an act.

I think she’s smarter than she lets on. She has average looks, which are much different than her pre-op looks, so it’s not her amazing beauty that’s gotten her as much exposure as she has. There are plenty of porn stars that are better looking, so that’s not it. The ditzy blond thing (which I find tediously annoying) has to be an act. She’s marketing herself pretty well, and considering the multitude of young attractive women in porn who never become a household name, that’s a pretty tall order. Not that she’s a household name, but she’s getting there.

I saw her on a Down In The Valley special on HBO, then another HBO thing where she’s on a stool onstage, naked, being interviewed. They showed some pictures of her before she entered the business and she’s obviously had some serious surgery, and not just a boob job. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen her in an actual movie- the glitz/glam-fake-tit-makeup thing doesn’t do it for me.

According to her wikipedia entry (with a cite):

Not sure about her, but Asia Carrera is a Mensa member.

It’s just her voice, I don’t think she’s actually that stupid.

I have a strong suspicion that Asia is a doper…

That link says her real name is Jessica Steinhauser. Can you imagine a female Steinhauser headlining a porn movie?

Back to the topic, Katie Morgan is smart because she knows how to promote herself. That is quite a rare talent. Think of the difference between Madonna and Britney Spears. One understands self promotion, the other does not.

Jenna Jameson is smart for that reason also. She can shag no different from other adult stars, but yet for some reason she is more famous.

Spears know more about self-promotion than you think. Why else is her name constantly in the headlines? Yes, it’s bad, but it also keeps her a star.

Sure - Kissing Jessica Steinhauser.

Not close to a genius, but definitely not the dumbbell she plays on the HBO specials.

Well done, sir. Well done.

No, not well done. Pink and juicy inside.

Well when Madonna makes headlines it usually makes people think she is sexy, rebellious and tough. When Britney makes makes headlines it makes people think trailer trash. The trailer trash image doesn’t help with record sales IMHO.

Man, talk about your excluded middle.

Obviously playing the ditz, IMO, but good lord is she annoying. Sporting some rather ugly plastiboobs, too.

Nor have I, but anything that keeps her mouth occupied has to be an improvement.