The way men in porn movies hold off so long is not the magic of movie making but the magic of viagra. Most porn actors are homosexuals on viagra. This is how they last so long. If you ever watched any porn latley you’ll notice that most actors can only cum by masterbating away from the woman. It’s not being with the woman that makes him finish it is the flim running in his head.
In the first place, for all you seventeen-year-olds out there, there was porn long before there was viagra.
In the second place, the ejaculation on camera is just the producers’ way of saying, “Look! It’s REAL!”. If it weren’t, they wouldn’t bother to include it in the film.
And an auspcious beginning it is. Welcome rricat.
[Hey, where’s the irritated dig about failing to include a link to whatever column you’re referring to? Without it in a case like this, a person might think sophomoric smut were the order of the day.]
Doctor’s office waiting room. Details Magazine, recent issue: “Gay for Pay”. Cover story about straight men with kids & a mortgage who take Viagra and make homosexual porn films, because they pay way more (like $70-80k/yr at age 21). Personally I’d rather paint the lines on fresh parking-lot asphalt in the middle of August with my tongue, but there it is. How’s that saying go? Different strokes…?? (sorry)
Question: Since probably 95+% of porn is hetero, why would “most” porn actors be homosexuals? Doesn’t sem to add up…Bias, perhaps?
The column in question was not one of Cecil’s, but instead was a staff report written by SDSTAFF Euty: Where do male porn stars get their stamina?. Thus, these comments belong in one of the current threads in the [url=“”]Comments on Staff Reports/url] forum, and not in the “Comments on Cecil’s Columns” forum.
Let us try that again: Comments on Staff Reports
The repeated plea, asking for a link to the column, rather than being an “irritated dig” might just be a simple request which helps readers of this thread to follow along. YMMV.