Ok. I am new to these message boards, as I’m sure you can tell by my limited number of posts, so I am not sure which board this thread belongs on. Seems like there are religion threads on all of the boards, so I don’t know. :)Anyway, everyone on here actually seems to be very smart and helpful most of the time, so I present you all a question.
I think I may need some sort of religion in my life, but I am not sure which one.
Sounds like a silly problem, but for me it is much more difficult to answer than it sounds. Let me give you a little background.
I grew up in a non-religious home. We never even talked about god. I turned out all right I guess. No major problems. The thing is, that once me and my sister turned 7 years old or so, my parents would take us and drop us off at the local Christian church at 8am on Sunday, and come pick us up at 1am after the adult sermon ended. They basically used church as a free babysitter. They never went with us. I HATED sitting through those sermons. Even at that young age, they all sounded like a bunch of BS to me. I never figured out how to “pray”, if that makes any sense to you. I would close my eyes and think about Nintendo or something until the pastor finished his prayer. I have read the King James Bible cover-to-cover one time. The whole thing has always sounded like a long, long story to me.
On top of that, it infuriated me when they passed around the offering plate and took money from everybody. It made no sense to me why I should give the church money. We were VERY poor, so I never had money to put in the dish. It seemed like I should have been taking money out of the dish. The place was NICE. I’m sure it was a very expensive church to build. The pastors all had nice cars, and nice houses to boot, and yet here they were taking money from poor people so they could buy new high back chairs for the pastor’s offices.
I wont even go into the 2 years I spent in Christian middle school, with a graduating class of 4 kids.
In a nutshell, those experiences soured me to religion. I have never been able to take it seriously. I have always been a very analytical and scientifically minded person. (I’m an Electrical Engineer, go figure). I never have been able to accept religious banter as fact, because 99% of what I hear is based off of the Bible. Which is a big storybook to me. How can people base their lives around stories that are told in an 1800-year-old book?
Even with all the issues I have with religion, I feel like me and my family is missing something in our lives. I am 25 years old, married with a 2-year-old daughter, and it seems as though some sort of religion would benefit us. I look at these families that go to church all the time, and they are happy and seem to lead full lives. I wonder if religion would add some missing piece to my family life. I want my little girl to have the best up bringing. I don’t want her to miss out on anything. But at the same time, I know you cant just wake up one day and say, “Ok, I want to believe in god now” just because I want to change my life.
This post is getting WAY to long, so Ill get to the point. I want to add the benefits of a religious life to my own life, but I don’t need to be sold on any particular religion. I am NOT looking to find God. If I find God along the way, then so be it. I just want to have something to believe in. It seems to make many people happy.
What suggestions do you people have for me? What options other than organized religion do I have? I have no idea and am totally lost, but know something is missing in our lives, and it may be religious faith.
Im sorry if I rambled, or had bigtime typos, its 430am and I am beat. hehe.