Post #65 by Twickster
“Dr Deth, given your long-held and very public position on spoilers with this material, I find your behavior disingenuous in the extreme.”
This is a personal attack and a lie. I have NEVER been in favor of spoilers in GoT threads.In this case, the Thread Title said “SPOILERS!”.
I have been in favor of discussing how the Screen version differs from the book version at that point in time. Just about my only post on the subject was pointing out that the Source material did not actually show the torture scenes, the actual scenes were only in the screen version.
That’s not a “spoiler”.
I understand, you have been taken in by the illiterates who can’t read the book, and thus have spread the lie that I want Spoilers. I have never wanted spoilers. Just a comparison on material screened to date. That’s not a ‘spoiler”. I also understand that I have been a bit of a gadfly on this issue, and thus people somehow think of me as one of those who spoiled or want to spoil the Show. This is not true.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand why Gukumatz puts rules in place. In the first GoT season, many people were posting book spoilers or vague spoiler-like things which alluded to future events. I am not happy with all the rules, but I am willing to live with them if spelled out. Gukumatz has done an excellent job of spelling those rules out.
Please note that I sent a PM/Report asking Twickster nicely to reword her post. I rcvd no reply.
"Don’t get me wrong, I understand why Gukumatz puts rules in place. In the first GoT season, many people were posting book spoilers or vague spoiler-like things which alluded to future events. I am not happy with all the rules, but I am willing to live with them if spelled out. **Gukumatz **has done an excellent job of spelling those rules out. "
God damn, son, how stupid do you think the rest of us are? You posted the details of a fairly massive plot development still to come on the show; true or false?
In a thread where spoilers were spelled out as OK? Yes. I have never posted a spoiler in a spoiler-free thread. That thread specifically said SPOILERS in the Title, nor did the OP ask us in the OP to limit talk to the TV show only.
“How stupid” would you have to be to click on a thread where it sez SPOILERS in the title, then, eh?
Let us take a look at the new improved rules spelled out :
*Fully And Openly Spoiled
All spoilers from all sources are allowed. No restrictions on discussion. Caveat Emptor.
Now, based upon those rules, is there anything wrong at all at for “posting the details of a fairly massive plot development still to come on the show” in a thread whose Title specified SPOILERS! ? Come on. I mean, the wiki on the books has completely spoiled everything to date, no? I assume that if you don;t want your TV show spoiled you wouldn’t click there, now would you?
When you posted, did you think Polerius knew what was going to happen with respect to the development you talked about? Did you think he wanted to know? Do you think now that he wanted to know?
Is this actually complicated or difficult to come to terms with?
I quote Johnny L.A.: “I’m very sensitive to spoilers, as I once went out of my way to avoid them only to read one in a completely unrelated place. Pissed me off. But in DrDeth’s defence, I can understand how he came to his conclusion. The title does say ‘spoilers’. The OP asks whom to root for. This implies a request for knowledge that has not been revealed in the TV series. How can there be spoilers, if the TV shows have already been watched by the OP? The OP seems like a specific request for information on upcoming events.”
First off, you may not have advocated for what you personally consider spoilers, but you have advocated for what others (including the mods) count as spoilers. I remember the big argument we had about what counts as spoilers, and you were definitely on the side saying that certain things shouldn’t count.
Secondly, twickster didn’t accuse you of advocating for spoilers in the first place. She mentioned your public position on spoilers, which is that you didn’t like having separate threads. You argued about that all the time last year. Yet, in that thread, you were advocating for separate threads. You may be okay with the rules now, but twickster can only know your past responses.
Thirdly, if you don’t like what you perceive as a “personal attack,” why do you continue your hostility about this topic? Heck, in this very thread, you call the people who disagree with you “illiterates.” Based on what you’ve written here and in the thread (not to mention what you’ve written in the past), my guess is that your PM to twickster was also rather hostile. If so, it would be silly to expect her to respond, let alone do what you want.
Maybe twickster really did get the wrong idea about you and your positions. It happens. You can’t demand that someone change their opinion and expect it to work. There’s no reason you couldn’t just post a correction without the demand.
[li]Saying you have repeatedly taken a particular stance toward spoilers is not a lie; it is a statement of fact, as several people have said in the thread. Saying I find your behavior disingenuous isn’t an insult; it’s a description of my reaction to your behavior.[/li][li]That particular thread involved a discussion that took place before Gukumatz posted the GoT rules for this season, so your acceptance or rejection of those rules is irrelevant to that particular incident.[/li][li]The distinction you’re drawing between being in favor of spoilers vs. being in favor of discussing things that have happened in the books but not the show is lost on me, which is why Gukumatz is moderating all the GoT discussions. [/li][li]The only PM I see from you in my inbox is one from January about a completely unrelated matter.[/li][/ul]
Show me another thread on another Film where a comparison of the book vs the film (as shown so far) would be a “spoiler”. No one thinks that’s a 'spoiler". Look at the zillions of LotR threads, even back in the day etc, where we not only discussed the books, but Christopher Tolkiens commentaries and notes. No one even bothers with saying "spoilers or no.
So, yes, I am in favor of discussion of a comparison vs the Source vs Screen- but only as far as what has been shown on the screen. This is my Public Position. But in many other threads the illiterati have posted the LIE over and over that I ruined many threads and were in favor of ruining all their fun with actual spoilers.
Yes, this did occur during the first season. Yes, many folks posted things about upcoming events or alluded to them strongly. In a thread with NO Spoilers this is rude. I didn’t do that. I am against that. I do not want Spoilers in a "no spoilers’ thread. Never have. Don’t now.
However, as I said- since Gukumatz has put in very clear rules I will follow them. I appreciate clarity.