…and give a 1-10 rating to those already posted.
I give you:
I give Deena a 7.
And I answer with Laura Borchers.
I’d give all three an 8.
Our local ABC station hired Stephanie Simoni two or three years ago. She’s on the early morning show. Just a matter of time before she gets the 5pm anchor job. She’s very cute and does a good job reporting. She’s not from Arkansas. Her last job was WJCL/Fox 28 News in Savannah.
Easily a 9
news reel
Oh. You said local.
Well, Earth is local…
Um…you’re not supposed to rate your own submission.
Chicago’s Zoraida Sambolin
I’ll give Stephanie Simoni a nine as well, vindicating aceplace57.
For all those who appreciate the male form… Mike Woods, WNYW weather guy. They always find reasons to have him outside in workout gear - the man is buff.
NYC’s ABC affiliate has Liz Cho.
Obviously personal preferences showing here but I’d be hard pressed to pick between any of the non-blonde females posted so far, all are clearly ahead of the three blondes (first three posts).
I’d rate Zoraida Sambolin a 9 too.
Cleveland has a bevy of newsbabes. My current favorites are:
Melissa Reid from Fox 8:
Sharon Reed from Channels 19 & 43
My old favorite, Stacey Bell, just left the station to be with her husband, who at last report was an assistant coach for the NY Jets.
She was particularly stunning in London for the royal wedding. They must have had a different make-up person. Dialed back the Elvira.
This is the only decent clip I could find on YouTube of Gasia Mikaelian, currently anchor of KTVU’s 5:00pm news hour (Julie Haener, co-anchor of KTVU’s #1 10:00pm news show, ain’t too bad either).
I don’t follow TV news too much, but I think our local news babe, Heather Rowe of KOLD 13 in Tucson is particularly fetching.
All of my local newspersons are seriously un-hot.
So as consolation for living in the land of anti-hot newspeeps, can I have Erica Hill?
Perfectly well put. And yeah, I wish she kept it dialed down like in those photos. She already has plenty to work with…but she is distractly hot, like the French woman linked to above, that watching the news is kinda pointless…
In Portland I like Shauna Parsons, and the awesome Sheryl Stewart, who sadly moved on to radio, perhaps due to reports like this one.