Post CF and on-going Trump outrages

Sadly, Trump’s coy language about ‘White House’ rather than ‘President’ probably does not indicate that he expects to return in a menial capacity.

It probably indicates that he expects to return as God Emperor (rather than as a mere “president”).

Did anybody see or hear his speech in North Carolina tonight, so I don’t have to? TL;DL (didn’t listen) anyone?

Early reviews call it “listless,” “slurring” and “rambling.” And it looks like his diaper leaked.

The God Emperor of Dune was a giant worm so it’s not that implausible.

He even had an orange face on the illustration.

IMO the best outcome from this stuff is that Trump starts actively campaigning now, his rapid mental deterioration becomes so obvious that the rest of the Rs realize it’s time to sunset him for a new tyrant. And his followers slowly awake to the same reality.

Meanwhile his eternal rage at “his team” ref above means he keeps turning those opportunists over at such a rate that it’s all chaos all the time and the actual opportunity for him to accomplish actual politics, evil though they be, is lost.

Finally, as the strain of travel, interviewing, ranting all the time, etc., takes its inevitable toll, he flames out completely, dropping dead or stroking out into mute incompetence/incontinence.

Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he? :wink:

It’s not unreasonable to think that there will be a massive national case of “Trump Exhaustion” if he tries to stay on the public warpath for three solid years. Dems may have been caught with their collective, zippers-in-the-front pants down the first time but last year a record number of voters said that they couldn’t take another minute of him.

My bold.

Nah, I don’t think they will. The problem is the concept “reality,” something his followers abandoned a long time ago.

I’m reminded of a science fiction movie I saw when I was a kid. (Maybe someone else will remember it.) The leader of the alien bad guys was a disembodied head inside of a glass globe. That’s all there was to him, and his sycophants and acolytes had to carry him around in some kind of sling. But they eagerly ran to do his bidding all the same. Not sure how he communicated.

I think the Party wishes they could abandon him, but they’ve boxed themselves into a corner.

Keep on dreaming, grasshopper. Dream on for those of us who can’t make ourselves dream any more…

I agree that the followers won’t awake to any form of objective reality you or I would recognize.

But what they will do, being thoroughly duped followers, is believe whatever they are told by whichever talking heads they listen to have been duped by. Whether that’s Faux, OANN, etc.

So the money shot is when we see those folks (e.g. OANN) realizing the Trump con is running out of steam and they begin cheerleading their followers mob in a new direction.

I think that was in the alternate ending to Big.

Invaders From Mars (1953)?

Ninja’d! That was the scariest movie for me when I was about 8 yrs old. So creepy.

Me too! I saw it on TV one afternoon when I was alone in my grandparents’ house (my grandmother had gone to the market or something). I was probably about 8 years old by then. The transformation of the parents was the most terrifying bit for me, as well as the ending.

I remember seeing that too, on TV at some point when I was a kid. I had a bit of a phobia about sandpits for a while after that.

So many images from that movie are so clear in my memory, but that scene with his dad trying to lift the collar on this shirt to cover his “mark” – terrifying. And, the ending, of course.

Oh God, yes!

Interesting, I can see that a bunch of us were scared and scarred by that movie.

This I can definitely see happening. And the direction OANN steers them toward will be worse than trumpy at his worst.

I’m just waiting for him to appear with underpants on his head. His followers won’t see anything out of the ordinary, but at least they’ll be easily recognizable when they go out in public.

I heard it was because he was on the no-fly list.

"Many people come up to me, with tears in their eyes, and they say ‘Sir… you have your pants on backwards.’ "

Probably tears of laughter… :joy::joy::joy:

You know we’re all just ignoring you.

Out of envy.