Inspired by this thread about bad career decisions, who do you think will continue on (short-term, long-term) after Friends leaves the world tomorrow night?
My choice of career suicide? David Schwimmer. He may do a movie or two, perhaps another TV series, but I believe he will fade away. He’s a follower and not a leader. Maybe his desire to be a director will keep him in the game, but for me, he’s the weakest of the Friends cast.
Best chance for survival? Matt LeBlanc. He will find steady work and have a decent acting career (notwithstanding his Friends spin-off show).
I was sure I’d heard Schwimmer himself saying he wanted out of acting eventually. This was some years ago. Maybe he sensed doom and was trying to set himself up to say “I didn’t want to be famous any more anyway”, but I’ve always seen him as a reluctant actor since then. A reluctant actor who gets paid a completely ridiculous amount of money.
Didn’t we just have this thread? I could have sworn last time I was here there was an eight-pager doing the rounds, full of people predicting Joey would go the way of The George Wendt Show.
Anyway, Rachel, whatserface, Mrs Pitt… she’ll keep working. She is very likeable and as far as I can see she’s not unwilling to play lesser roles, and she does provide a quality second fiddle. As long as she keeps doing that she’ll be alright. But I note with grave displeasure that recently, like all great criminal minds, she’s got greedy. Any more movies starring her will eventually result in mobs taking the cinema by force. Spilling out into the streets, seized with an unstoppable psychotic rage. Overturning buses, attacking strangers at the drop of a hat. Eventually the country could be overrun. This is a very real danger. Do not underestimate the shiteness of Aniston on her own. She must not be allowed to take a lead role.