Post Your Sniglets Here

You may recall that, during the 1980s, Rich Hall (an alumni of Saturday Night Live and other comedy shows) compiled several books’ worth of made-up words from people all around the country and the world.

These made-up words (or sniglets) were usually used by these people in their private life to describe people, things, events, and the like.

I’d like to hear your own sniglets.

My friends came up with this one years ago:
BLASTERPOP, n. - The brief popping sound that comes from your computer’s speakers when your SoundBlaster initializes during the boot sequence. Now a somewhat-archaic term.

The classic is the nuttinbutton, that thing on stoplight polls to turn on the “Walk” sign.

Not my own (which I’ll remember soon enough), but some of my favorites:

Wimbledown - The fuzz on a tennisball.

Puzz - that dust/lint in a jigsaw puzzle box after all the pieces are removed.

Bant: verb To strike someone’s face with your penis.

ie I had to bant her to get her attention.

noun The width of the area between a woman’s legs while standing up.
usage “That woman has a wide pusky.”