Post your unpopular opinions

I hate it when a person says we “slept together”.

I’m sorry, you had SEX. You either screwed, sucked, and hand pleasured each other off. maybe it WAS in a bed but also likely in an office, backseat, or behind a tree. SLEEPING with someone just means sleep.

Its basically a way to sanitize the dirty dead.

I hate it when people bring their kids to restaurants.


Also, dogs are usually cleaner and better behaved than children, and should be allowed to eat with their owners in restaurants. At the very least, restaurants that allow dogs should be as common as restaurants that allow children (and restaurants that allow children should be less common than they are).

And I say that as someone with kids, but currently no dogs.

I’ll jump right on this band wagon with you!

The older I get the less patience I have for crying children (and the parents who ignore them) in all public places, let alone restaurants.

I get it. You have to teach children how to behave in public places by actually taking them there, but that means you have to manage the situation and be prepared to leave it they begin to annoy others and you can’t control them.

Same goes for grocery stores. Shut that kid up!

I disagree, with one exception and that country is Somalia. Thankfully, there are very few Somalis in my area, but I understand that every place they’re settled, they basically take over and all rules, etc. must be changed to accommodate them, and criticism of them is not allowed. I have never heard one good thing about that community; they’ve never had to follow laws and often don’t comprehend that they have to do that here.

People from Congo, Myanmar, Venezuela (yep, we’ll see them in time), Syria, etc.? As long as they’re vetted and arrive legally, they are welcome. But not Somalis.


“Slept together” is simply a figure of speech, like “screwed,” “sucked,” or “hand pleasured.” None should be taken literally, but only one offends you?

Along with the third, the second amendment has outlived its usefulness.

I hate when people bring kids to restaurants, other than Denny’s, because it’s kind of a shitty restaurant and having kids there is kind of expected. After all, they have high chairs and booster seats, and normal restaurants don’t have this.

I’m expecting in March, and I refuse to be a hypocrite, so I guess I’m going to have to start appreciating Denny’s. Hey! I liked it when I was a kid, especially when they started letting me order off of the adult menu.

In order to spare myself the constant repetition of Denny’s, are there any other similar restaurants that have high chairs and booster seats and where a poor dining experience (whether due to kids or bad service) is to be expected? I’ve not seen a Sambo’s in years. Are all of these local, non-chain “family style” restaurants this kind of restaurant? I think I remember going to a couple as a kid.

At some point I’m going to have to introduce the little wonder(/brat?) to good restaurants, but not until I can figure out how she behaves in the bad ones.

Balthisar, your best bet is to patronize independent restaurants, like diners. They’re usually inexpensive and family friendly.

Some common views on dieting are IMO wrong.
Calories in vs calories out - at least the version promulgated by the vast majority - is not correct. Calories affect us differently depending on the source AND how we process them.
GMO foods affect the human body negatively because of the way mutagens are introduced to change the foods genetics at the seed level.
Gluten has more of an impact on the body than most people think. Maybe not 100% healthy people but definitely those with autoimmune disorders.

2nd unpopular opinion:
We should have a merit-based system for immigration comparable to many other countries. People who complain about Trump’s idea should check out what it takes to emigrate to the UK.

Something tells me that Sambo’s has undergone a rebranding if it still exists.

There is one( the original )in Santa Barbara. The rest have been gone since 1982.

I hate when people go to family oriented restaurants, or just casual places, and then whine that there are KIDS there – not kids misbehaving, or screaming, just that kids happen to be present. My aunt and uncle do this all the time.

(Of course, they always find something to complain about whenever they go to a restaurant period)

I have so got the perfect song for you.

Most “chain” restaurants like Applebees and Red Robin are pretty family friendly. But they also have alcoholic beverages.

I fail to see the point of being a major fan of our local sports franchises. That is pro and college teams.

I’m from Kansas City and yes, I can see some benefit from it like the civic pride when the Royals won the WS a few years ago and I do see how that can bring in some economic benefits but down deep, I know the chiefs and royals are just businesses and their owners could up and leave whenever they want.

Same with college teams. Yes, I went to KU. But I see no benefit following their sports or even buying Jayhawk gear. Frankly I think the college screwed me over. I dont see why my neighbors get all riled up over KU vs MU games and such.

Quite a few of them are the biggest bully in the class. It’s easy when you’re head and shoulders taller than every other person present.

But that’s not a particularly unpopular opìnion among my cohort. When my former classmates started joining the PTA they got “Frankenstein” and “The Bitch” on probation as soon as they had the votes for it. As one of them put it: “not everybody is good at teaching, but there’s a huge difference between being inadequate and being evil.”

Because in Spain full body donation had become so common it was actually causing problems. Use the usable parts, then put the rest to rot in my family grave; it’s already paid for and worms need to eat too.

It offends me because when I share a bed or a hotel room with someone without having sex with them I need to come up with some convoluted way to describe it, instead of just saying that we slept together, or that we shared a bed, or that we shared the room.

But I feel that way about a lot of euphemisms. Big and morbidly obese are not the same thing, damnit.

And then take it to the level above it, where people (at least in America) talk about their “roommates” they are living with even if they don’t share a room.

Hmmm, thinking on your situation, you could say “roomed with” but I think “shared a room” is also as close to neutral a description as possible. I think it’s the actual sharing a room thing that causes eyebrows to raise, not the words used to describe it, so people who already have that mindset are going to think whatever they are going to think whatever words you use (barring completely entrenched euphemisms like “slept with”.) “Shared a bed with” verges on TMI even if it was true so you could just say “shared a room with” unless the fact that there was just one bed was somehow pertinent.