Post your unpopular opinions

Gone With the Wind is cringey. But the costumes were to DIE for.

I love the song MacArthur Park.

We should not, in fact, be having all these people from shithole countries come here.

I agree! We have to do more to keep those lazy drunk loud-talking trouble-making spud-shitting Irish from taking the jobs of Great Native Born Americans!

The more we aggrandize soldiers, the more soldiers we get. The more soldiers we get, the bigger the pool of resources the government will feel they can throw around the globe wherever they like. In order to reduce wars, one of the (many) things we need to do (like re-establishing that diplomacy can be done without immediately reaching for military threats) is to stop encouraging the idea of innate heroism coming from military service. Make the government have to think about how readily they’ll deploy human capital.

The proportion of the population that serves in the military is tiny. Whatever problems we may have with our foreign policies, I really don’t think any of them are caused by us having too many people in the military.

Which version?

It’s actually not THAT unpopular an opinion, because the song has hit #1 twice in the U.S.

Jokes aside I’m amazed how much flak Mr Trump is copping over this remark. It’s a statement of fact there are shithole countries. Doesn’t mean the people from those countries are shitty or unworthy people, but if I was developing the immigration scheme for modern America from scratch it would definitely be prioritising people from first world/civilised countries (although obviously still including people from third world shitholes as well).

It is my opinion (based on experience) that the true meaning of the word ‘Sex’ is something that sometimes happens during genital coitus between a male and a female…

I would tend to agree, however it’s worth pointing out that alcohol, friends, a dozen TV screens, and possibly things like darts and shooting pool as distractions don’t lead everyone to an accurate count of how many beers they’ve had. Inevitably there are going to be some people who reason “well I’ve only had a few beers” as they stumble into their cars to take a very bad bet with their lives and the lives of everyone else between there and home.

It’s a far better policy to just decide if you’re drinking, you’re taking an Uber or Lyft after if you can’t get a ride from a friend. Is the 10 minutes or less you’d have to wait, and the same going back to get your car the next day, really worth gambling lives over?

Also “2-3” beers is a pretty scientifically invalid concept because people have vastly different body weights and tolerances, and beers are not all the same alcohol by volume. Also people unfortunately end up equating “2 beers” with “2 drinks” and just one well-mixed drink can put you over the legal limit.

That psychotropic drugs are over prescribed, dangerous, and should not be used by everyone. It’s gotten to the point when anyone who feels any little bit of negative emotion has dangerous drugs pushed down their throat without knowing the side effects.

I also believe drug companies make sure their drugs have side effects so they can prescribe–guess what?j–another drug.

Don’t forget the Hmong people.

I feel obliged to say that you make it easy to suspect your experience lacks breadth.

School as it has been done for the last 50 years is bad, and it needs to change from the ground up. This means getting rid of the bureaucracy, the unions, and the educational-industrial complex, and older people who believe that what worked for them in the past will work now, even though society in nothing like what it was back then. (Thankfully, Mercury 7 grants are being used to get started on this.)

Hollywood writers have no idea what real people in the real world are like, and most of the bad characters in TV and movies are based on projection.

People who think that the only way society will work is if they get to impose their will on everyone are megalomaniacs. There are far too many in society now who are, and too many are rich and using their money to do just this.

Back to food. Had my first 3 In-an-Out burgers on a recent trip. Ate one, tossed the others. Self-debate over giving the leftovers to a panhandler. Thought it might leave me open to prosecution.

St. Andrews golf course is as Sam Snead described it. A pasture. Pleasant historical site but way over priced for the “golf”. Both the New Course and the Jubilee course on the same spit of land are better tests of golf and more representative of the links style.

But Trump was talking about the People of said shit-hole countries. He was describing those people as not worthy of immigration to the USA. There are shit-holes on every continent. How are you gonna determine what particular shit-hole each immigrant is coming from.

Pretty easily, I would have thought.

Actually, in keeping with my endorsement of President Trump’s “shithole countries” comment, another unpopular opinion of mine is that we should have a complete moratorium on all immigration to the USA. We already have 300 million people. That’s more than enough–or too much–as it is. What do we need more for? Population growth is bad for the environment (remember when environmentalist groups were opposed to population growth, before such opinions became “racist?”) Our cities are overly crowded, and real estate prices continue to skyrocket; housing in many areas has become unaffordable. Where are we going to put all these people? In an age of much hand-wringing over automation eliminating menial jobs, we certainly don’t need low-skilled immigrants, and high-skilled immigrants are just brain-draining their own native countries, which they should remain in and help improve instead. Except for maybe a handful of literally Nobel-prize caliber people, if they really wanted to come here, I wouldn’t let anyone in at this point.

The Old Course really shouldn’t be on the Open schedule as often as it is. Keep it for special occasions. It’s a shame that there are logistical issues with Carnoustie, as that can be a truly fiendish test.

The solution is easy then. Ethical Suicide Parlors.