In the last couple of years that i’ve been reading this board, i’ve noticed that some posters love to bring up the same bit of info almost every time they post. Annie x-mas is the old lady who works as a cashier, whilst dealing with apparently idiotic customers. Nava loves to regale us with stories from her homeland of Espanyol. Even sven with her amazing travels around the world but in particular Cameroon. Last but not least would be the infamous Broomstick with her erm… anecdotes about the trials and tribulations, she must face in her life as a poor woman in America with a disabled husband who gets grilled by garden barbecues. Are there any other posters that you can think of who would fit into this mold?
You, if you stick around long enough.
Throw this thread in the quarry quick!
I’m an old lady who repeats herself all the time? Who’d thunk it?
Hell I probably know Voyager’s resume by heart now, and I probably know more about msmith’s career than his boss.
But I actually think these posters both contribute a lot to the board so it doesn’t bother me.
For some reason the fact that sven keeps going on about how much she loves her career grates on my nerves a little - I don’t even know why; maybe I am jealous. She also contributes a lot to the board IMHO, so whatever.
My hat is old, my teeth are gold.
I have a bird I like to hold.
My shoe is off, my foot is cold.
My shoe is off, my foot is cold.
I have a bird I like to hold.
My hat is old, my teeth are gold.
And now my story is all told.
Hmmm… well, I’ve been active on these boards for 13 years longer than the OP and am familiar with all of the posters mentioned, but would not have been able to point out one of the things the OP did.
Can we formally record this as Longshanks first instance of stalkerish behavior.
OK… I’ll admit I knew Nava is from Spain. I also know that Siam Sam is from Thailand… is that really a big deal?
I don’t mean this as an insult… just a data point for if the poster “fits into the mold.”
Mods always telling people what to do.
OK, make that 14 years.
Please make a note that Spud is not good at math.
I’m going to move this to the Pit as it seems to have a high chance of turning into something that can be seen as being too negatively critical or being taken as something negatively critical.
Hey don’t be so hard on yourself… I don’t ever remember you posting about shit. (You aren’t one of the guys who ate a Halloween Whopper are you?)
I mean ‘shit’ in the figurative sense. For ‘shit’ in the literal sense, see our friend lieu.
Yeah, that guy really knows his shit. And Johnny LA loves airplanes… and Pulykamell knows more about food than I can ever hope to… and Hal Briston loves…
Holy Shit… I’m a stalker too!
There is that one Asshole who is always saying how great BMWs are.
Oh, that’s me.
I’m not sure, but I think Anaamika is Indian.
I’m probably viewed as a bit Nava-like in that I tend to mention I’m Scottish/living in the UK in most of my posts.
I know I’m not a regular enough poster to assume that people remember my nationality and whereabouts though, and the assumption otherwise is that posters here are from the US.
Not Thailand…west Texas. Which he hates with the heat of a thousand fiery oilfield suns.
I remember you! You offered to meet someone in a Tesco once, but they turned you down.
In all fairness, she does shovel shit better than anyone else here.