Posting practices you used to do but now avoid

I used to try and have an answer for any GQ that I thought I could answer.

Now I only post something there if I have a good reason for thinking my post was worthwhile.

A very, very, very long time ago I did several internet scavenger hunt threads where I’d have about 10 or 20 things that people were supposed to find. Too much work and only a small group of people participated.

This internet scavenger hunt idea intrigues me, Osiris. If you make another thread I’m so game.

I used to post to Great Debates a lot.

I eventually moved to the Pit, where people are nicer.

I also posted in GQ a few times in the beginning. That forum however requires too much commitment.

Blackeyes: Here’s the first one. And here’s the second one.

Wow, Almost 100,000 threads ago. Yeesh. I used to be called Brother Rat. I don’t think I’ll be doing any more game threads. After two it was getting hard to come up with interesting objects and clues that wouldn’t simply leave the players with busy work.

Wow, reading my old posts I see that I have changed a lot. Weird.

I used to frequent The BBQ Pit.

It’s a bad place for me to be. I’m self-banned out of it.

Better all around.


People hate it when you use your name as your sig? How embarrassing, since I’ve been doing that since…, forever.

No more. Thanks for the heads-up.

“People hate it when you use your name as your sig? How embarrassing, since I’ve been doing that since…, forever.”

That’s okay, I turned off ‘view all sigs’ in my profile…so I never saw it :slight_smile: