We’re in the midst of potty training our two-and-a-half year old. For whatever reason, he likes to drag out his peeing - he’ll pee for a few seconds, then stop for a few seconds as something catches his intention, then pee some more, and repeat. Sometimes the pauses are longer and involve getting up and going somewhere. Rarely does he empty his bladder all at once.
For me, and I presume most adults, stopping in the middle of peeing is uncomfortable. Is that not so for toddlers? Anyone else experience this while potty training your kids?
IDK, but I think what the toddler is doing via potty training is not learning how to go, but learning how not to go, or to say it another way learning to hold it, which is a skill he/she just achieved, so most likely practicing it.
It is not something I personally saw with any of my four and not something I have had brought to me by parents. Which doesn’t mean it isn’t common and it just doesn’t come up.
If it was brought up by a parent I’d want to know if urine is making it into the potty consistently or if on standing up there was an accident, and how it was going with stooling, in particular whether there’s been any constipation.
That said micturation (the act of voiding) is a coordinated process of simultaneously contracting bladder muscles while relaxing the sphincter muscles. The harder skill to master is usually the relaxing the sphincter muscles bit.