practice post

okay. I first came to this site because it’s link was listed on CSICOP’s website.

I would be really surprised if this website had something to do with an article I read a while awhile. It was talking about a website, I think, and a newsletter it made. The fans asked different questions that would try to be answered.

I clearly remember that one of the questions asked that was never conclusively proved was “What forces are at work when a person drinks from a straw?”

Would anyone know anything about that?

Also, I am so glad that I found other people like me here, people who aren’t afraid to look for the truth in bathroom graffitti, the 2nd civil war or even the occasional introspective walk…well, maybe I made that last part up. :smiley:

Other than that, this is my first post. It’s has the same registration as the one they use over at “” I swear, this method is the most screwed-up form of registration ever. Phew.

Guess that’s about it. Bye!

Welcome to the SDMB, linn_muir. Are you perhaps thinking of the classic Straight Dope column on the physics of sucking in a piece of spaghetti? (Extra credit trivia item: the person asking the original question in this column is from my hometown of El Cerrito, CA, a small town wedged between Berkeley and Richmond with a population of about 22,000 persons. This column has always held a special place in my heart for this reason.)

Depending on your point of view, you could definitely characterize this question as having never been conclusively answered. I don’t believe the Straight Dope ever ran a newsletter, though. I’m pretty sure it started out as a newspaper column and has continued as such all throughout its history.

Congratulations on your first post; we’re glad to have you. This is the right forum for asking questions about the board and things of that nature, so you’re already at the head of the class for posting in the proper forum with your first post! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

One thing, though, is that pretty much no one is going to read this thread, because you called it ‘practice post.’ Almost nobody reads those. Again, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time here!

I read it, and welcome! :smiley:

The registration process involves sending an e-mail so that if you forget your password you can have the system send it to the valid e-mail address you used for registration, instead of having to find an administrator to help. Make sure that the e-mail address you use for the SDMB is always current.
We do not sell the e-mail addresses to third parties, and in your user profile you can hide your e-mail address.

Nothing but business, eh Arnold? :smiley: