Praxis Test, sending scores question

I’m taking the test on Wednesday, and I need to have the scores sent to a specific institution. When I registered, I am almost positive I was not given an option to specify where my scores will be sent*. I’ve looked all over the ETS website, but nothing there is clear on whether I should have made this selection when I registered for the test, or if I’ll take care of at the testing center. Anyone know?

I’ve contacted ETS, of course, but I have serious doubts that they’ll get back to me in time.

*ETA: I knew when I registered where I’d need to have my scores sent, and was watching for such an option, so I don’t see how I could have missed it.

When I registered to take the Praxis exams last year, I was given the option to have my scores sent to specific places. They’ll automatically go to the state department of education, but you should have been given the option to have them sent to your school, the department of education of a neighboring state, or wherever.

You can (and should) save the test report you’ll get online in about a month. (It’s a PDF, so you can save it.) Whoever you need to send results to should accept that.

Good luck! Which one are you taking? I took the PPST (Praxis I), Social Studies and Communication (Praxis II).

Thanks! I’m just taking the first test right now. I need to have the scores send to another state’s DoE, and that department has made it very clear that they want the scores sent directly from ETS. I’m gonna be pissed if I have to spend another $40 to have this done…

Here’s an example of why I’m confused - ETS isn’t clear on how it works. Bolding mine:

Then from that link:

So which is it, ETS? :mad:

I wouldn’t count on this, but I would assume the second sentence in your first quote is not restricted by the bolded phrase in the first one.

Well, surprise surprise - ETS got back to me. They say you specify where scores are sent at the testing center, but they went ahead and added the location I need. I’ll still make sure it’s added when I take the test tomorrow, though.

I wonder if they changed this in the past year, since MsRobyn did it when she registered… oh well, whatever. Thanks for the replies.

Maybe figuring out how to get your score is part of the exam.