Prayers/good thoughts requested for my MIL

My mother-in-law, who I love like a second mother, is having surgery on her back today. She has had severe pain in her back, to the point that she couldn’t sit down for more than a few minutes, since a trip to LA this past July. The surgery was this morning in North Carolina. Hopefully, this will help her and let her live a more normal life. Right now, I’m waiting to hear how everything went.

Send your prayers, good thoughts, whatever her way, please.

I have had surgery for back pain, and it changed my life. I hope that your MIL’s is equally successful. Tell her I send good wishes from one former back pain sufferer to (I hope!) another.

Hope things go well for your MIL - I also was fortunate in having a wonderful MIL. I’ll send out good thoughts…

Sending good thoughts your way.

How did surgery go?

Prayers and good thoughts head your MIL’s way Anne Neville. Please let us know how she’s doing.

The doctor thinks the surgery went well. She’ll be in the hospital for 3-5 days.

I talked to her last night. She was clearly pretty drugged, and having nausea from the anesthetic, but was doing well other than that.

She’s home from the hospital now. We talked to her this evening, and she is doing well. Thanks to everybody who gave her your good thoughts, prayers, or whatever.