Pre-Poll Data Gathering: Least Newsworthy Person In The News

Pfine by me! :slight_smile:

Kardasians? Can they be voted least newsworthy if I’ve never heard of them before? I had to Google the name, and I’m still not sure how/why/what they are.

Perhaps my Canadian version of the news is a little different. Upon reflection, there are a few others in here I’ve never heard of either: Heidi Montag? Spencer Pratt? Gosselin? Simon Monjack? ? Kate plus 8?

OK, I just Googled and I guess the Kate plus 8 and Gosselin folks are the same, and I had heard the news story about the 8 kids. Apart from that though, what kind of “news” do you people watch, read, or listen to. If this was being passed off as news I’d find another news program to frequent.

Entertainment Tonight is not the news.

Children of Bob Geldof - why?

Simon Monjack is, or was, the husband of Brittany Murphy, a popular young actress who died suddenly about five months ago. He died suddenly of a heart attack a couple of days ago and, I just learned, had delayed having heart bypass surgery.

Though I don’t seek them out, many of these stories pop on the home pages of my email accounts when I sign in/out.

For instance, did you know that the owner of the chimp in mauling attack where the victim lost her face, hands, etc. in Connecticut, Sandy Herold, died Monday night of a ruptured aortic aneurysm?

And why should we pay any attention to your list, panache?

I don’t want to hear about any aging rockers unless they’ve kicked the bucket.

Hell, I don’t want to hear about any celebrities unless they’ve a) married, b) spawned, c) been in hospital for serious condition, d) left my favorite show/band/etc., e) died, f) done something really, really weird and/or awesome like Betty White.

Politicians’ personal lives unless they display blatant hypocrisy (ie., have a homophobic platform and then get caught with the pool boy). I’m from Canada, our Prime Minister could divorce his wife and marry a porn star and we’d just shrug.


I meant Kim specifically, she’s the one I see a lot of. I know there are more of them, but she far and away gets the most exposure.

Okay, just in case we get down to listing all these individuals from the Kardashian and Gosselin and whatever households, here are the Kardashians who have IMDb pages:

Kimberly Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian
Robert Kardashian Jr.
and others associated with them in their biography pages:
Kris Jenner
Bruce Jenner
Kendall Jenner
Kylie Jenner
Brandon Jenner
Brody Jenner
Casey Jenner

Would somebody who cares list the members of these other clans who are “famous” for being famous?


This thing is coming up on six years old! :slight_smile:

How little things have changed in that span of time.

Nevertheless there are (must be) candidates who deserve mention who came on the scene in the meantime.

Be cruel and unkind and name the ones who get on your nerves the most!

Kardashians are still Trashian Champions.

The major change is that no one is talking about Bruce Jenner anymore; instead they are talking about Caitlyn Jenner.

Good one! My guess is that Caitlyn is getting at least 5X as much press as Bruce ever did.

Apparently you were not around for the 1976 Olympics. I have so little interest in sports, I’m not sure I could name an Olympic sport, and I had heard of Bruce Jenner. Him (as he was at the time), and Nadia Comaneci. They were ubiquitous. This was back when TV had five channels, and one of them was busy with nothing but the Olympics.

You caught me, all right. I had just forgotten those days. Maybe his association with the Kardashians just pushed him so far into the background that I forgot he used to be somebody!

I just can’t wait until he gets raped and it’s a big story! :smiley:

I’m not sure where you were going with this, but it isn’t appropriate.

An attempt at sick humor. Sorry.

Wow, I read this whole thread, and assumed it was new. Scary.

Zombie or not, that is freakin’ hilarious.

Yup, didn’t realize it was a zombie until post #29. What a sad, sad statement that so many of those names are still in the news. :frowning:

I didn’t know how to alert about Zombie status except by way of that post. I assume “go to first unread” doesn’t work?

Is there something else I could have done in the way of an alert?