Predict Jackson's Guilt or Acquittal in Molestation Case

Actually she was found guilty but got probation. She was represented by Mark Garagos who represented Michael Jackson and Scott Peterson. Not a great track record there.

I stand corrected, then.

Earlier I was thinking that if he does commit suicide, he’ll probably take his own children with him. THAT’s a scary thought. They don’t deserve to be in that hell he calls Neverland Ranch.

What makes you think he’d take the leap from suicide to murder/suicide?

Either that or incredibly naive and stupid. But if that is the case it would be horrible thing to send him to prison for.

And if he is a paedohile I personally do not think prison is appropriate. I think surgical castration is the way to deal with them. They certainly can’t re-offend without their equipment, and they wouldn’t have any sexual desire left in them anyway.

I don’t think he’ll Beat It.

urge to kill…rising…rising

Acquitted of all federal charges. He’ll probably pay a fine for indecent conduct with a minor under the age of 14, but he won’t go to jail.

God that man needs help.


You don’t Wanna Be Startin’ Something, do you?

He wouldn’t be able to perform oral sex on or masturbate another boy?

Basically because I think he’s that CRAZY. He’d think, gee, I wouldn’t want my kids to have to suffer in this world, and I’ll be saving them. In his crazy-ass world, he’d be doing them a favor.

Just the way he won’t let them out without masks on, or even go somewhere with a bodyguard, to have a NORMAL life. They have no friends their own age, from what I gather. Poor things. Every time I think of them living in Namblaland, it breaks my heart.

Now I could be wrong. But it was just something that occurred to me, and I honestly wouldn’t put it past him, because quite frankly, he scares the shit out of me.

He wouldn’t be interested anymore. Castration destroys the sex drive.

He hasn’t been charged with any federal crimes. And if he were, he’d be having a trial in federal court.

He will probably be acquitted of the big stuff like others have said, however if he is found guilty and not taken into custody immediately I foresee him pulling a Polanski and getting the hell out of the U.S… He’ll probably go to a South Amercian or Asian country without extradition and because he likes those types of boys. If he’s acquitted he’ll probably still leave.

Now that is an interesting supposition. Conventional wisdom for the past few decades has been that sexual assault is not about sex, it’s about control and dominance. Is this a tacit admission that, well ya, it’s about sex too?

My feeling is that he’s probably guilty but that he’ll be aquitted. I didn’t follow the trial closely so I may have missed some vital piece of evidence that will convict him, but what I did see makes me think that the prosecution didn’t prove their case.

You know, it IS just possible that Michael Jackson will be acquitted… not just because of the shaky evidence, but because he’s simply not guilty.

I mean, I know. It’s a hard thing to wrap your head around. But still.

Given the vast numbers of people on his staff, I find it increasingly hard to believe not one of them would be willing to be a whistleblower for someone who fondles children. No staff is that fucking greedy… are they? I find it hard that everybody could be THAT willing to protect him, that willing to be bribed. Joe Jackson’s not that scary a badass anymore, is he?

You can say a lot against the Nation of Islam, but unless that organization has radically changed since the mid-80s one thing I refuse to believe is that they would willingly bodyguard a child molestor, no matter how easy he might be to exploit or profit from.

Anybody without Michael Jackson’s history of defiantly man-boy personal behavior of radically remaking himsellf and not growing up I wouldn’t even entertain the idea that they were innocent. But I keep getting this DOUBT in my head with regard to Mike. I don’t understand it. I condemned Orenthal Simpson much worse than I have Michael Jackson. I keep thinking, Maybe he isn’t a pedophile. Maybe he isn’t a pedophile.

So I dunno. Maybe he isn’t a pedophile. Maybe he’s really just that fucking weird.

As I said, one thing that tells you a lot about a person are the types of people that work for them. I’ve known one of Michael’s ex-employees for a few years now. He’s a friend of my father’s who used to work for a bunch of music industry types in California and Arizona including Michael’s Neverland Ranch. Ten years of this he’d managed to save enough to buy him a nice house of his own. I’ll call him Kareem.

Kareem has all those weird-ass “Michael stories” he regales his listeners with. One story he tells about how Michael Jackson went out shopping and called him up in a panic a few hours later.

“Help, Kareem. The limo’s broke down, and there’s people all around the car trying to get in. You’ve got to get me home.”

At the time, Kareem was driving a shitwrecked Volkswagon. It was in such bad shape that the passenger seat had to be propped up with a broken broomstick handle wedged to the floor. Nonethless he hops in his wreck and goes after Mike.

Sure enough there are maybe a dozen people milling around the limo and Michael’s stuck inside. Kareem tells the limo driver to wait for the repair truck, fends off the rubberneckers, and drags Michael from the limo and shoves him to the passenger side of his car. Michael is sitting there, expressionless.

Kareem peels off, hitting the curbs hard. They turned one coner and Michael seat’s suddenly flips back. The broomstick snapped in half. Kareem says Michael just lays there on his back, quietly.

Kareem attempts to cheer up Mike by going, “How was shopping?”

“Okay, I guess. I left my things in the limo by accident.”

He continues to lay there with his arms folded on his chest the whole way back to Neverland.

Kareem pulls up to the front of the house, gets out, opens up the door for Michael. Michael walks slowly up the steps and then turns around with a disconcerting look on his face, and for a minute Kareem’s thinking he’s about to be bitched out for leaving the shopping bags or get fired for not rescuing Michael quick enough.

Michael asks, “What kind of car is that?”

Could be found innocent. He fits a pattern common to child molesters–chiefly in that he’s infatuated with juvenilia, but fitting a pattern isn’t enough to convict, or shouldn’t be. And millions of guys probably like juvenile things without being molesters.

Could be found guilty. He’s weird, man! People tend not to like weird people; the jury could be prejudiced against him for that reason, and convict.

Meanwhile it’ll probably take some time. I read today that the jury has to go through 98 pages of instructions, some of which would bewilder post-JD scholars.

No, it doesn’t. Castration of sex offenders has not proved entirely effective in the past. When there’s a compulsion to molest children, they aren’t going to care if there’s a lack of desire. Some may even go on to do so out of revenge.

He gave alcohol to kids. One of those kids was a cancer victim.

He’s been seen licking kids’ heads.

He whines, begs and pleads to let kids sleep in his bed.

He’s shown porn to kids.

He had a shrine to Macaulay Culkin.

He claims to love children, but he only associates with boys, never girls, except his daughter, who gets far less attention than his sons.

He fits every criterion for a pedophile.

As far as FOI, I don’t think they’re bodyguarding him any more.

As far as his staff, a lot of them are illegal immigrants who wouldn’t know how to drop a dime on him, even if they had the courage.

I think if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it ain’t no swan, it’s a duck.