Prepare to fire the Wave Motion Gun!

I inadvertantly got an email saying that my wife had ordered the Star Blazers boxed set for me for Christmas.

For those not familiar, Star Blazers is the best anime series ever, and a mainstay of my preteen year television viewing.

The evil Ganelon is trying to take over the earth, by bombing it with radiactive planet bombs, forcing the populous underground. The radiation is sinking into the earth and will render it uninhabitable in one year.

A nice space princess however radios that she has some Cosmo DNA she’ll lend us that will fix the earth if we wanna come get it. She sends us plans for a “Wave-Motion Engine” that will get us ther in time to save earth.

Being the people we are, we quickly figure out a new application for the Wave Motion Engine, and build a Wave Motion Gun.

Secretly we rebuild the WWII battleship Yamato from the inside out (so Ganelon won’t know.) We equip it with the Wave Motion engine and aforementioned gun, and the battleship flies off into space crewed by the Starforce, and commanded by Captain Avatar (A Salty Sea Dog if ever there was one.)

The episodes usually center around Derek Wildstar, who’s brother was killed in the first episode. Derek seeks maturation and sex with a wan big-eyed cadet named Princess or something.

The usual episode goes like this.

Ganelon devises evil genius plan to ensnare the star-force with new secret weapon. Derek Wildstar tries to have sex with Princess. Dr. Sane gets drunk, while IQ9 the robot frolics about. Evil plan is set in motion, Princess rejects Derek, and the star-force is trapped against hopeless odds. At this point Captain Avatar says “Prepare to fire the Wave-Motion Gun!” Everybody puts on their goggles, and there is a quick cut scene of the Wave Motion device being rerouted from the engines to the gun (essentially the whole ship is the barrel of the gun.)

A little targetting grid with a pop-gun in front of it shows up in front of Wildstar. He squints, aims, and pulls the trigger. The little pop-gun goes “click.” This triggers the wave motion gun, and a huge eruption of unstoppable power emanates from the muzzle of the front of the Yamato, blowing the shit out of Ganelon’s evil plan.

Ganelon gnashes teeth, Starforce flies on. Roll credits, play theme song.
"We’re off in outer space.
We’re leaving mother earth
To save the human race.

Our Star Blazers!

Evil mean with evil schemes
They can’t destroy all our dreams!
We must be strong and brave!
Our home we’ve got to save.
If we don’t in just one year
Mother earth will disappear.

Through all the fire and the smoke
We will never give up hope.
If we can win, the earth will survive!

We’ll Keep peace alive with

Our Star Blazers!"
God I loved that

This is also one of my beloved cartoons. :slight_smile:

Loved it, tho it took me years to see how the blasted original series ended. Our cable in Jackson at the time stunk and they changed the lineup, and I didn’t see the end of the series. But I watched it all, faithfully.

StarBlazers is the greatest. To this day I still hold wine glasses like Deslock did, although I do not dispose of them the way he did.

I was absolutely addicted to this show when I was younger. They ran it in the mornings, and my day had to start out with watching the latest installment. Is that box set available on DVD perhaps, and where did she find it?


It’s coming from Amazon. $80 bucks.

You ever notice how the planet Iskandar looked like an oversized Japan in a vast ocean?

DE-E-E-Slock DeslockDeslock
DE-E-E-Slock DeslockDeslock

So you’ll be re-thinking that whole “revenge” plan now, I assume. :wink:

Another Universe is already sold out of Chapter One.
On DVD, even/

I never saw this one, but I keep reading things the remind me of Robotech/The Macross Saga. I used to get up about and hour early to tape that on our Betamax.

I have all three seasons on VHS. I bought them on a Yahoo auction. They are home tapes but quality is decent

Your wife is obviously in a coolness catagory that approaches the level of Cecil.

Weirdly, I remember the theme with different lyrics:

We’re off…to Outer Space
Protecting Mother Earth
To save the Human Race

Our Star Blazers

Travel to a distant star
Heading off to Iskandar
Leaving Mother Earth behind
Who knows what dangers we’ll find?

We’re off to Outer Space…
<Can’t remember the next bit>


Oh man, I was almost late for school every morning watching that show! I can still remember plopping down in front of the TV,big bowl of cheerios in my lap,glued to the screen.Mark was my hero,I thought Wildstar was a jerk.
::cue the wave motion gun sound::


I believe they changed the lyrics for the second season, when the new enemy was the Comet Empire.

I just found the wave motion home page!

(NOT a commercial page, done by a fan)

Apparently there were movies made of Star Blazers.

According to that site, you get to see Wildstar and Nova have 3 minutes of graphic animated sex at the end of Final Yamato.

I hope I’m getting this too.

BTW: My wife knows I’m a Star Blazers fan because I have a a big model of the Yamato.

thank you for letting me know that i am not crazy.I remember this cartoon being on tv after school when i was a kid and all i remember is fire the wave motion gun.

YES!!! I Loved this cartoon! I wasted countless afternoons watching Star Blazers. Glad to know there are others out there who remember this show. There were two series too, the first saga tells the story of the battle with Deslock and Gamelon. The second is the story of the imminent coming of The Comet Empire! I actually got to watch both of the series again about 8 years ago cause a friend of mine had them on VHS. Brought back some memories.

Curiously, everyone keeps refering to the Yamato, butI thought the name of the ship they were on was the Argo. Am I mistaken?

YES!!! I Loved this cartoon! I wasted countless afternoons watching Star Blazers. Glad to know there are others out there who remember this show. There were two series too, the first saga tells the story of the battle with Deslock and Gamelon. The second is the story of the imminent coming of The Comet Empire! I actually got to watch both of the series again about 8 years ago cause a friend of mine had them on VHS. Brought back some memories.

Curiously, everyone keeps refering to the Yamato, butI thought the name of the ship they were on was the Argo. Am I mistaken?

I seem to recall the captain re-naming it the “Argo” right before the intensely cool “caked mud from the floor of the dried up Pacific ocean falling free as the re-fitted space battleship rises through the atmosphere” sequence. Of course, that might have been a change for the weekday afternoon cartoon market, because I’ve seen various stuff about “Space Battleship Yamato” also.