We were inundated with presidential polls before the election. “If the election were run today, who would you vote…?”
I understand that it’s a moot question now. On the other hand, we still do not have a president, and many people think that a “reelection” should be run. May be, now R. Nader would get 5%? Anyway, should we run a poll here? I mean, if many SDGQers say YES, in IMHO MB?
So, lemme see if I have this straight. You’re taking a poll in GQ to see whether we should take a poll in IMHO? You’re taking a poll to see whether we should take a poll?
Way I feel is, I’m not gonna go out on a limb here until I see the results of a poll that show that most Dopers would like you to run this GQ poll. 'Kay?
Nothing personal, Peace, I just have a fear of commitment.
You have my vote, too. So now it’s 2 to Zip
Run the poll in IMHO and close this.
Yeah, let’s have fun!
I was leery, because once I tried a poll in IMHO, but nobody came. So, I think if two more people will come, the poll will be statistically significant :-).
Exqueeze me? You are taking valuable space in this forum with an OP that you know for a fact does not belong here???.
No Way. This is, at BEST, an extremely stupid idea. Consider this a formal warning. Do not do this again.