Princess PT tech II (obscure and mild)

So today there was an issue at work. I was part of it- I could have left my paperwork to do an ultrasound instead of expecting the tech to do it. (she was making a personal phone call). I admit that I did not want to be doing her job at the expense of mine. I definately should not have said “I can’t belive I got a lecture in time mangement from someone who just made a 15 minute personal call” OUT LOUD. I thought the office was empty… but that kind of remark is too damaging if overheard by anyone (it was) EVEN if it is true. Fine, so :I will be a better grown-up. I will not talk to myself. I will be Very careful how I say things at work.
BUT- when we have meetings about how to handle these things, someone had better rein in Princess Personal Call. We have meetings to figure out how to resolve problems and prevent them from coming up again. She attacked me verbally. She repeatedly used words like “never” and “always” she said I “picked on her” and I am “mean”. She did not have documentation for this. She called me a liar- no documentation. I agree there may be communication problems. I realize that I have a bigger vocabulary then her. But I came to the meeting trying to resolve this problem. Nothing I say or do will have an effect on a princess with this confrontational, aggressive attitude. If she insists on framing me as someone whose motivations are just evil, who is deliberately trying to hurt her- then what is the chance that ANYTHING I say or do will positively impact the situation. Grumble Grumble… …kids today with their faulty reasoning skills and rock and roll. (Conurepete continues muttering until marginal typing skills completely dissolve.)

I feel for ya, conurepete – the fallout was not quite as bad for me, but I once got in trouble because my supervisor caught me ROLLING MY EYES at another one of her dumbass instructions.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Them’s for YOU, Janet, you moron. (I haven’t seen her for 15 years, but I bet she’s still dumb as a bag of hammers.)