Probable cost of ticket?

I got pulled over after passing a truck at 77 mph in a 65 mph zone and the cop let me go because I had a clean record but gave me a ticket because I didn’t put my warning lights on while he stopped me. Does anyone know much that kind of offense can cost? And is the best thing to do to just plead guilty and pay the bill? Also in NYS if that helps. He told me I wont get any points, so I’m happy about that, but I’m just curious right now what this fine may be.

The last time I got a ticket (and it was a fixit ticket so I just had to fix the broken light) the back of the ticket had a list of violations by number and the fine for each one, including what the fine would be if I didn’t get the light fixed in time. The fines can vary depending on the municipality.

This exact same question was asked here before…

Just scanned the thread, but it looks like $200-$300. And somebody advised not to fight it as NYS Trooper can go back and charge you with speeding if you piss him off.

In fact, you can break rules because the cop was ordering you out of the way.
You can fight it because you have a clean record.

There’s a specific law that you have to use your warning lights when a cop pulls you over? I’ve never heard of that. Is it a widespread rule? Just in NYS?

Never heard of such a thing in any of the western states. Bad enough to get pulled over in the first place, without them penalizing your pulling over skills as well.

Plus, I think it highly unlikely anybody ever rear-ends a vehicle that has a cop car blasting strobe lights directly behind it…

I’ve never heard of it either, and searching my state’s dot gov site, and others such asthis one, make no mention of such a law. Or even a suggestion that it’s a useful thing to do when being pulled over.

Anyhow, as stated upthread, isn’t the fine listed on the ticket? It should be, since simply mailing in the fine is a standard option for a traffic violation, if you don’t plan on fighting it. OP, look at the back of the ticket. The fine surely must be listed somewhere on your ticket.

Were me, as long as no points are assessed, I’d just pay it.

I found the law:

New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1163.

I have never heard of such a law either.

The purpose as written is to make the stopped or disabled vehicle more visible to other drivers. I think most states have that law. Upon being pulled over by LEO, doesn’t the presence of the police vehicle lights trump the use of 4-way flashers? And I wonder if a cop pulling you over would count as a “traffic-control device” and “legally parked.” :smiley:

If the New York State Legislature had intended the presence of police vehicle lights to trump the use of 4-way flashers, they should have written that into the law. Intentionally or not, they didn’t and drivers are stuck with it.

According to West Seneca Court’s web site fine is $100 and two points.

Moderator Action

While the cost of a ticket is something that can be answered factually, the OP also asks for the best course of action, which is a matter of opinion. This is also a legal matter, and opinions on legal matters go in IMHO.

Moving thread from General Questions to In My Humble Opinion.