Hotmail decided that I don’t exist this morning. I go to check my mail, and my password doesn’t work. It worked last night, and since it is stored in the computer, I didn’t mis-type it. Then Hotmail decided that my answer to the security question wasn’t correct (it was). I’ve tried to log in from two different computers with the same results. Anybody else experiencing difficulties today? Any suggestions as to what to do next? I kind of need my mail.
Never mind. I have acquired a hijacker.
Now I have to send every freaking contact I’ve ever had a new email address.
Don’t feel bad. I’m ready to give up Hotmail anyway, because it draws junk mail as honey draws ants. Somehow, I don’t think I’d be getting all that hotmail domain spam if I wasn’t using a Hotmail inbox myself.
The difficulty with changing my contact information is that my Hotmail account is the only one I have that has a nice professional ring to it; my others are fairly goofy. So in order to do this I have to find another email provider and set up a new address.
Sometimes Hotmail doesn’t allow me to login. Even though my password is valid, it’ll throw an incorrect password error.
I use Hotmail’s mobile login page on my laptop, which works every time. And it’s so much cleaner than their regular interface. Just insert “/m/” (without quotes) after in your url bar once you’ve logged in to Hotmail, then save that url as a bookmark.