Profanity: What are the best five unusual curses, (cuss-words)?

cunt fuckula


Ahhh, it wouldn’t be the SDMB without this sort of thread :slight_smile:

  1. Cock-knocker
  2. Fuck-knuckle
  3. Fuckstick
  4. Cock-knob
  5. Cuntbag
    Hee hee :slight_smile:



My all-time favorite for when I’m really pissed is fuckface.

I don’t know why I like it so much; it just rolls off the tongue.

Oh yes, and my “whoops I dropped something on the floor and it splattered everywhere” sort of expletive is “suck a monkey”. Picked that up from my charming roommate.


In a fit of road rage, my friend growled, “Prickface!” and the curse has stuck. He had just made it up out of the blue, but it doesn’t seem that difficult, since many curse words are just parts of people’s nether reigons followed by face/head/sucker.

My friend and I also established our own lignuistic rules for expletives. For example, we consider it a no-no to say “That is a big ass fucking bruise” because it implies ass fucking, while individually “big ass” can mean really big and “fucking” can mean “very/really/extremely” but the two combined together don’t work.

While in Quebec with a friend years ago, a frenchman inappropriately touched Mary. Her French was poor, and his English poorer, and she levelled a fierce gaze on him and shouted, “Conshohocken!”

He looked as if he’d been bashed with a 2 x 4, not knowing that it’s the name of a suburban Philadelphia borough.

We laughed our asses off at her flawless delivery, and his shocked expression. Truly a Kodak moment.

Moderator’s note:

Ah, I don’t think so.

Off to the Pit…

IMHO mod

When a guy I knew got cut off on the freeway, he rolled down the window and yelled
" LICK SACK!!! "
I liked it.

My grandmom, then later my mom always say the same thing when something goes wrong,
“Son of a bitchin Bastard”

I started saying that a few years ago, every now and then it’ll get you some strange looks.

I’m a big fan of “assclown,” “asshat,” and “fuckwit,” myself. But Badtz Maru?

What’s a “choad smoker”?

something tells me I am SO going to regret asking…

A more inventive way of saying cocksucker, I do believe. Derived via “Lick my choad” and cocksmoker, as near as I can tell.

Got no idea where the word choad came from, though. I don’t recall hearing it prior to the mid-eighties.

Eureka, the everhelpful internet provides.

“Choda” is also, I believe, the name of the part of a knife between the start of the edge and the start of the handle. On a sword it’s the ricasso, I think. I have a book somewhere… anyway, it’s all about the big long hard thing in your hand, so the metaphors are going to fly and nobody’s going to be able to prove that it didn’t come into either vernacular from the other. It’s just a dick reference, okay?


“Cum Dumpster”.

There’s probably a trademark issue, but it’s pretty disgusting and I think worthy of notice.

Dog-fucking little shitstain
Melonhumping jizzmonkey
Syphillitic Coprophage

Wankstain !!

Sperm burping slut

Sperm gurgling ass munch



I like fuckery and craptastic.