This site will provide you with a quick overview of your zip code with information drawn from the US census office. Just type in your ZIP and hit the search button.
I learned that of the people in my community:
55.4% have a bachelor’s degree or higher.
Median household income is $50, 307.
7.5% live below the poverty level.
59.6% are management or professionals.
1.9% are unemployed.
43.1% of the residents have lived in the same home 5 years or longer.
The median age is 36.2 years.
45.4% are male, 54.6% are female.
75.8% are white, 10.4% are black, 3.6% are Hispanic, 8.2% are Asian.
Can’t believe I actually forgot to include the link to Zipskinny You really should try it. It’s just so cool to see a statistical cross section of your neighborhood and even be able to compare it to other neighborhoods.
Interesting site except that the stats for my zip code seemed too low. Then, I pulled up a zip code map, and I can see by the way they drew the lines that the western portion of my zip code is probably dragging down the stats of the eastern portion. Maybe I should petition for a new boundary.
79.97% have High School or higher
14.4% have a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher
9.4% have less than 9th grade
Median household income: $35,496
9.5% live below the poverty line
3.1% are unemployed
59.8% have lived in the same house for 5+ years
Median age: 39.3
(Honestly, that has to be false. We have more bluehairs here than you can possibly believe. Driving through town you see bar -> church -> bar -> nursing home -> bar -> nursing home -> church -> church -> bar -> Dairy Queen.)
I found one funny fact on this site; the two prisons in our town are listed as schools (with a combined enrollment of 22 students). Which I guess they technically are, as we provide equivalency school educations to any prisoners who haven’t completed high school.
I note that in my town + surrounding area there is a population of 37,000 with 14,000 households and here are a couple of crime figures for 2006…
Theft of a motor vehicle offences: 1.5 (national average = 2.9) per 1,000 of the population
Burglary dwelling offences: 2.9 (national average = 4.3) per 1,000 of the population
What’s up with 10165? It’s right in midtown Manhattan, but only 7 people live there, all of them with a bachelor’s degree or higher and all of them with an income under the poverty line? What is that? Does one building have it’s own zip code?
Homeless college graduates living under Grand Central Station? Millionaires who’ve foresworn continuing to earn a living?
And yes, one building can have it’s own zip code. Most often they are government buildings. That’s why I’m imagining they are homeless people that somehow got counted in the last census.