Proof: Pollsters and Media Big Liars for Hillary

The election results are proving what a bullcrap bunch of liars we have in the mainstream media and the pollsters were indeed sampling 75% democrats all along.

Eat my feces you progressive losers. The Silent Majority is speaking.

With a president that in reality looks just for himself.

I have to remember that in California the Republicans won with a message of hate, and nowadays they are not very significant.

Don’t be mad he proved you wrong. America is finally going to take some steps forward.

Right over a fucking cliff.

Here come the Deplorable gloatings. I can’t say what I want to to you folks. Consider it said on this side of the monitor.

I have to say that the plan B is now here then, the problem for the deplorables is that making a mistake is still a mistake even if millions vote for it. What I foresee is that the other group that voted for trump just to keep power will not let Trump do a lot of what he promised.

Speaking of going forward, the reality is that Trump is an ignoramus about vaccines, climate change, trade and taxes. There will be no progress but a self inflicted wound that Trump is bound to make it worse.

I don’t think there was any deliberate malice involved but it’s pretty clear that much of Blue America including the media elite has been living in a delusional bubble, growing increasingly out of touch with vast swathes of their country. The first step to recovery is to resist the temptation to denounce all Trump voters, try to understand their concerns and values and try to bring some of them back to the Democratic fold. Bill Clinton did this in the 90’s and someone will have to do it again.

I’m thinking Pit

I think that the bubble has been popped. Next election will have to be run less on everybody who disagrees with me is racist or deplorable.

Is it? Or is it prove of what I’ve been telling people who have been throwing out accusations of biased polls, which is:

And, lo and behold, most analysts are saying that Trump voters came out in larger numbers than predicted, while Hillary voters came out in lower numbers than predicted.

But, sure, your conspiracy theory (which, again, disproves itself) is the more accurate one.

Why do you Trump voters hate America?

Please choke on my deplorability…

If the media insists that only racists and sexists support Trump then people may be less liable to say they support Trump.

You say potato I say potato…

It’ll be like post-WWII France, when everyone suddenly declared they’d been with the Underground Movement. This time it’ll be no one really supported Trump.

Best to hope for now (aside from a faint-chance Clinton win) is that Trump is an even bigger liar than we all knew he was and has no intention of even trying to fulfill the promises he campaigned on.

Yes, it will be a time of unicorns and rainbows for everyone. :frowning:

Sheer laziness might do it, actually. I’m not sure the expectations he’s built up are actually achievable in reality, especially given his skills, temperament, and advisors - not to mention the fact that his supporters are clearly impatient.

You can not say it’s time for the country to move forward when you are a conservative, since they by definition look backwards.

You aren’t someone who normally posts here. You’re just here to troll. If there are good Trump supporters, none of you are them.

Impatient? I have listened toyou idiots saying it was impossible for a while. Looking at this election, I think it’s fair to see Trump can do way more then you guys believe. Most of you libs said he wouldn’t even win the primary.