If you’re making a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner two weeks from today, now’s the time to make room for it in your fridge. Clear a space, go through the various jars at the back and in the Door of Forgetting so there’s room for it to thaw for 3 days AND brine for a 4th w/o entirely disrupting the fridge’s other daily purposes. Same for your freezer so next week when you bring home your frozen bird it doesn’t sit for an hour on the counter while you furiously re-Tetris ice-covered containers as your fingers go numb.
And if you haven’t ordered your fresh bird yet…may Dog have mercy on your 8.99/lb soul for the dinky bird you’re going to get stuck with.
Well this is a rather cruel practical joke. Are you trying to make people desperately cook frozen birds?
Holy crap, you’re absolutely right! Thanksgiving is next week. You can tell I’m not making the bird this year! (Good thing, I’m apparently in full menopause brain.)
Ha ha. It’s relatively early this year.
Stupid frozen birds! That and tomato products take FRICKIN forever to thaw!
At least w/ the bird you can put it in the bathtub w/ tepid water during the day before and it won’t typically be in the way.
But what tomato product is frozen? I’m scratching my head trying to imagine it.
We have an appointment to pick up our bird at the turkey farm the day before Thanksgiving. Show up at the farm with brine in a huge food grade bucket with a snap lid. From there, gf drives to her mom’s house and helps ready everything.
Thursday afternoon I’ll drive there and show up an hour before mealtime. My gf’s dad died a few years ago and I inherited the carving job. The carver is exempt from any dish-washing, etc chores. Sweet!
Ah yes, just as the pilgrims shared.
Forget the nightmare of the whole bird. We’re going the out-of-the-package stuffing, rotisserie turkey slices, and cranberry sauce route.
What does Prostate Specific Antigen have to do with TurkeyDay?
We’ve been cheating. We order it from Whole foods.
But, in our defense, my Wife and I are driving 100 miles to visit my Mom who doesn’t get around to well (broke her hip). There’s only going to be four of us, and cooking that meal would really complicate the day.
uhhhh…leftover spaghetti sauce, frozen tomato sauce (homemade-instead of canning)
freezing the tomato sauce is sooo much better than canned! Seems more fresh!! Better tasting.
It’s an important reminder to get a baseline number in a man’s 30s for comparison when he’s in the higher risk ages. Don’t be a turkey! (I got nuthin’.)
I was just making my own tomato-based vegetable sauce last night! From my own beets, carrots, peppers and pumpkin, plus store-bought Roma and garlic. Some blight or other got my tomatoes this year so I had to buy 4# of them at the store. I can rather than freeze b/c I have more pantry space than freezer space.
But what are you using spaghetti sauce on for Turkey Day?
No, no. It’s a Public Service Antigen.
'm Canadian, so Thanksgiving was over a month ago, but I have a sob story to post here.
I accidentally thawed my frozen turkey gravy starter, (This has the pan drippings, plus some turkey stock from after cooking, but really concentrated stuff, ) rather than the turkey soup stock I made after thanksgiving. I thought it was the stock, tiook it out to thaw and when my soup was “add the stock” phase I saw it was the gravy starter.
Well my soup tastes really good, but I may have to roast some turkey legs to get my gravy all yummy at Christmas time.
Oh no! :smack:
My sweet ex-husband once grabbed what he thought was a container of frozen homemade soup but accidentally got a container of the water drained from a can of veggies that I kept onhand to make beans or rice w/; he emailed me to say, ‘I don’t mean to offend but this soup isn’t exactly filling.’
I don’t know about Canada, but here in Utah I can get turkey wings for less $/lb than drumsticks, if you’re only going to use them for gravy and not a meal.
We actually just wound up buying one the day before that was already thawed out, ready to be in the fridge. I had no idea they even sold those, but I was reassured that we’d have a turkey, and we did.
Was it “pre-thawed” or fresh (never frozen)? I’ve seen the latter (and you pay a couple bucks more a pound for it) but never heard of the former. It sounds like a good idea in spirit but a big hassle for the store and a potential liability if someone got sick and wanted to blame your imperfect thawing techniques.
The turkey farm where we get our bird sets up appointments for pick-up. The first time I bought my Thanksgiving turkey there it was a little weird having a warm bird.