I have a question. Seriously, does anyone else have a pubic hair phobia? I’ve never understood its function and I shave all of mine. So please tell me your opinion. What is the current solution for this nuisance? Does anyone else remove it? Leave it? Only do part of it? Guys, is it a turn on or turn off? What the heck should be done with it? I’m confused!
I certainly don’t have a phobia about it, and I’ve never had any problem with any woman’s particular style. I don’t understand the attraction of shaving, plucking, waxing, or eliminating the stuff. it retains the natural musk, gives a kind of lubrication, and some women like when it’s tickled.
I have long suspected that some guys prefer blond women because blonde pubic hair shows up less, and makes the woman seem younger or less “dirty”, but I’ve always preferred brunettes, myself.
Shaving, waxing, etc. will invariably lead to regrowth and consequent itching later. If someone wants to go through it on their own, fine. But I wouldn’t ask anyone to do it on my account.
Weren’t you just discussing pubic hair with fellow guest, blueslipper?
How many threads do you feel we need on the topic? Rather than shave, pull it out with pliers a clump at a time. That’ll keep your mind off your phobia.
I like it. I think that shaven is rather revolting.
It’s nasty. Landing strip or less, preferrably less.
Don’t shave it, women. Some guys prefer that women do not look like pre-pubescent little girls or plucked chickens.
yes! I agree. I like just a bit sometimes, but I really don’t like when it grows out and gets really long. It’s really nasty. I don’t understand why anyone would like it. But maybe I’m weird.
I think the entirety of western culture has for some reason gone hair-phobic.
I don’t get it at all. Each to their own but I find the pubic-hair hatred to be creepy.
I assume then you shave your own?
Yeah I’m starting to wonder if this whole thing isn’t just in my mind. No one else seems to feel the same way. Well everyone has little quirks about them, and I’ve been known to be kind of a quirky person. But hey, that’s why I’m loved.
I personally dislike heavy ammounts of pubic hair. The only place where lots of hair looks good is on the top of the head. Pubic hair has a tendancy to hold scent even when the owner washes frequently that I also find off putting. (and yes I practice what I preach).
Bolding mine.
So, Bippy the Beardless, your name really is accurate?
Sorry, I couldn’t resist
I hate pubic hair and I shave mine clean. I do it for me, not for what some guys might think. I will do what I want to do with my body, thanks. I can’t stand beards and mustaches, but I’m not walking around saying, “Shave it, men. Some of us like the look of a clean-shaven face.”
I find I feel clean without it. I’ve been shaving now for over ten years. I recently tried to let it grow back out (I even made it past the prickly stage!), and it was just… bleh. I still hated it. I like the way it looks shaved; I like being able to see what I look like without any obstruction. It’s a beautiful thing and I don’t want to hide it away. And when my period comes each month, there’s no mess! Plus, I don’t get caught in zippers if I’m going commando for the day.
My husband doesn’t care what I do, as long as I’m happy. I really, really get sick of hearing people who don’t “get it” try to imply there’s something pedophiliac about shaving. Don’t project your nasty thoughts onto me. I do it for myself, because I like the way it feels and looks on me. I feel clean, happy, and sexy. My vagina is not “gross” or “weird” or “unnatural”. It’s mine and it’s beautiful, and nothing will make me ashamed of it.
Seems a well-articulated and healthy opinion (shaved or otherwise). Thanks
I like it trimmed to the point where I can see what I’m doing, and it doesn’t poke me in the eye. You can shave if you like, but I won’t ask for it. Some folks, including one of the pioneers of this board, find pubic hair disgusting. I don’t agree.
I prefer it trimmed or shaven, but it’s not a deal breaker. On the other hand there is also something to be said about a wolf-beaver that brings out primal urges. However there’s nothing fun about getting a pube stuck in your throat, that hacking-gurgly noise one makes to get it out can really spoil the moment.
And I gladly do the same to myself for my sweetie.
I like mine nicely trimmed, but in no way cleanly shaven. Tried the shaven thing and its great if you like it, but I felt… bare without a little hair down there. I keep mine short. I also encourage the boyfriend to trim his; pubes between your teeth is disgusting.
Personally i don’t mind either way but i do find it a hassle to keep looking good.
That whole plucked chicken/rash thing is an annoyance so if you REALLY hate pubes then you might want to go for hair removal cream/waxing instead of shaving. The former works well and i’ve always been too scared to try the latter.
How is pubic hair a “nuisance?” It’s natural.
I am so lucky that my boyfriend loves my pubic hair. I love his too, it’s so damn sexy.
I think the reason so many people feel the need to shave is because all the naked women they have ever seen have been in porno and magazines and are shaved, so they somehow get it ingrained into their heads that women must be shaved, and that pubic hair is gross. It’s not.
You know what is grosser than pubic hair? A bald patch with razor burn and ingrown hairs…
so do women who like a clean shaven beard like men who look like prepubescent boys?
In case you can’t tell, I’m in the shave crown for a her (a strip is ok) and the trim crowd for me.