Most people seem to be naturally vengeful. After all about 70% of Americans support the death penalty and polls I’ve seen and posts I’ve read throughout the Internet support this figure and suggest it’s similar in other countries.
We don’t really punish people to protect society or rehabilitate them. People who are put in prison generally end up more dangerous to the public upon release and the kinds of crimes that people are sentenced to life for (murder) are statistically unlikely to be repeated. As far as I’m concerned unless you intend on keeping a person in jail for their whole life (which is unrealistic considering how quickly times and policies change) or work on rehabilitating them it’s actually better just to let them go free.
I think punishment is something that the government, usually the local government does to appease the anger of the victims and of society. The justice system is actually about protecting the criminal.
Think about it. If there was no justice system to hand down sentences and punish vigilantism John Chapman would have been killed in a matter of days. Putting someone in prison for a crime such as rioting or animal abuse for a year basically does nothing aside from make them worse people (unless there’s some element of rehabilitation involved) yet most people wanted Michael Vick and the Stanley Cup rioters in Vancouver a couple of years ago to go to jail.
Even though short jail sentences really do nothing to improve the criminal’s behavior or the safety of the general public, people still support them because they either naively believe they will teach criminals a lesson beyond becoming worse criminals - or more likely just because they get a sadistic kick out of seeing people who have done bad things suffer.
I find this ugly for several reasons. For one thing if we hate people for doing bad things, we are discouraging them from rehabilitating. It’s become common to label criminals “sociopaths” and to basically say there is zero good in them and people who even suggest a possibility of forgiveness and reconciliation are seen as being “soft on crime”.
Secondly I don’t see revenge as virtuous. Even though we spout platitudes like “two wrongs don’t make a right” we obviously don’t really believe such things. We teach our children not to hit back when they are hit by a sibling yet we cheer when a murderer in Georgia is put to death.
And lastly I suspect that our bloodlust towards criminals is a safe, “guilt free” avenue to express our inherent rage as a partially carnivorous species. We can feel righteous about hating them and feel good about ourselves because they’re “bad people” or not even human at all. In the fact we could feel this way about “n****rs” or Jews and other rival tribes/nations but in today’s world the only people who it’s acceptable to hate are those who have done bad things. I wish we could go beyond hating altogether.
Punishment by law, what we call “justice” I see as a muted form of revenge. Because 2 out of 3 people give or take demand retribution for harmful acts without a justice system people would take matters into their own hands. Most people find the sentences courts hand out for crimes ridiculously soft (personally I actually think they range from fair to too harsh in most cases) and would rather see elements of torture and brutality feature in the punishment, but are okay with it to an extent since they still respect the law and its necessity in a civilized society.
I think if we abolished punishment it would cause crime rates to surge, but not for the reason people think. Without a justice system there would be blood feuds, witch hunts and vendettas by the “righteous” against criminals both alleged and real.
Punishment is necessary not because it reduces crime by keeping people safe from criminals and by deterring them but because it’s needed to keep law abiding people from taking matters into their own hands and descending into intergenerational vengeful madness against everyone who wrongs them. In places such as New Guinea that do not have modern legal traditions we see a huge rate of revenge killing and I don’t think Western people are any more humane or forgiving than they are.