In the omnibus thread about miscarriage of justice, yet again, someone posted this nonsense:
I say gen-pop for that motherfucker.
This was brought up in regard to a cop who injured someone and said cop has a history of misconduct. Mind you, he that cop does not have a history of murder.
I responded to the stupid comment thus:
This asinine meme needs to disappear.
Think about what it says about your morality.
A third poster advised the one who posted the asinine meme:
It appears as though you are calling for extra-judicial punishment for this individual.
Which brought the memer to say:
Oh. Okay, sure. My morality is fine with him getting killed in prison. If you seek authority, and then you misuse that authority to enrich yourself or to play out your violent or hateful fantasies, then you deserve a taste of your own medicine on top of whatever judicial punishment is meted out.
Not saying that the guy ought to be killed or even shanked. But he should live in fear of it happening. Seems just and right to me.
And my final response to the memer in that thread was:
And that is not right. As I’ve said a gazillion times on this site, the idea is to be better than the monster you condemn.
Now that I have that out of the way, I have long been against vigilantism and “extrajudicial” punishment, including being against so-called “prison justice”. I also do not find it funny, humorous, or acceptable at all to insinuate and especially hope someone becomes the victim of rape while in prison.
I really have two questions for those who make these asinine comments:
What is wrong with you?
What’s the rest of your plan?
My late father was fond of saying about criminals, “They didn’t have the rest of the plan”. They just went with what they thought was the immediate goal: getting the diamonds, robbing the bank, etc.; however, they had no viable plan fleshed out for after the immediate thing.
So, here’s your chance (again, since nobody took the opportunity to answer the other times I’ve asked this on this site):
What’s the rest of your plan? How are you going to reward or otherwise compensate the prisoner who commits your hoped-for murder? Are you fine with releasing that killer into society since they just “did society a favor”? What’s your plan if the killer you like happens to be in prison for a crime you also despise? And especially, what the fuck is wrong with you for hoping for a murder to occur in response to a non-lethal attack? I already know what the fuck is wrong with you if you’re hoping for a rape to occur. Oh, another one just came to mind: are you fine with the massive loss of government funds to the prisoner who got what you hoped for happen to him or her?
If you didn’t mean what you posted, then go back into those threads where you posted that bullshit and publicly apologize. If you did mean it, your morality is fucked up and you need to do some serious soul searching.
Last year, a group of vigilantes tried to take over the United States government. I know where my morality on this reaches: that was wrong. And my morality is not fine with vigilantism. My morality is fine with lawful treatment of the accused, fair trial, and if convicted, lawful incarceration which, of course, does not, nor ever will, include rape or death as part of the punishment.