Hi all, I figured I would try here since I know there are a ton of animal lovers. I searched the forum and came up with a bunch of good stuff, but nothing on multiple puppies.
A little background:
I’ll try and keep it short, but it won’t be. I’ve always had a dog, that is until I was 27 and moved about 2500 miles from home. So about a year and half ago, I picked up a chocolate lab, she pretty much trained herself, I could take her to work so that helped, unfortunately, she got parvo and after an expensive stay at the vet, ended up slightly dead, pics of her in the link below. Recently my landlord (I basically live in the middle of a barn yard) had some pups, boxer/lab mix. His wife told him to get rid of some animals so he was taking the pups to the pound, he came knocking on my door and asked if I really did want one(imagine that a landlord that wants you to have a dog), I had half an hour. I grabbed a female. Good little pup, no huge problems, I won’t take her to work because of the Parvo thing and we have 2 dogs at work and I don’t really trust one of them.
Anyways, to the mildly amusing part about why I now have 2 puppies. I came home from work yesterday and the puppy didn’t come running up to me as usual, wierd. Didn’t seem to know what going inside was and seemed scared of the stairs, I was a bit scared, the parvo thing, that she was sick. She came in sniffed at the cat and laid down under my computer chair as normal and fell asleep. About 2 hours later I was about to head off to bed so I got down on the floor to give the dog a good rub and a little play time, and while rubbing her belly, I felt something that shouldn’t have been there, it might have been, oh lets say a penis??? :eek: Being slightly confused and incredibly tired and about 4 beers in, I started to question my exhistance. Pulled up one of the pics in the link below and compared white spots and I didn’t have the same dog as I had in the morning. Put on some pants and shoes and wandered over to the landlords house and asked his wife why I didn’t have the same dog, unless it underwent a sex change and fur transplant. Turns out their 4 year old was out playing with their chosen of the litter and thought my pup would like to play with his pup, and brought the wrong one back home, no harm, no foul, kind of funny, and it turns out that when she told the landlord to get rid of some animals she did NOT mean the puppies but the various ducks, chickens, pigs, horses, and goats, so they still had puppies.
Got my pup back home, and she seemed happy to be over here, but seemed a bit depressed that she was all alone except for the cat. She had spent most of the day with the other pups and seemed a bit bummed out. So this afternoon after a quick day at work, I grabbed the other female, also a co-worker drove out and picked up a male, so there is only one left to go to a good home.
Now here are my questions that I haven’t found answers to yet. I have a cat, pics in the link below, and she is pretty much top dog. I really don’t want her to feel threatened or left out, she has been with me a long time and is an absolute sweety. Very personable and gentle. Loves kids, lets them pull her tail and tweak her ears and purrs the whole time. When I’m feeling down she’ll sit on my chest or shoulder and rub my cheek with her paw, kind of like grandma except for the sitting part. Very cool cat, the kind of cat you would run into once in while and wish you had, when I brought home that chocolate lab, it came in the door and went to sleep immediatly, the cat (her name is Lucy) walked over to it and put her paw up to smack it(Lucy has had some bad dog expieriences) and when it didn’t move, looked over at me, then looked at the dog, waved her paw, dog didn’t move, looked back at me, shook her head and walked off. This trip around, she has been really good, when I brought home the first pup, she rolled over on her back and let the pup sniff her belly. She hangs around the pup/pups and will whack them only when she is threatened by clumsy puppy paws and only claws when she is really threatened. The second night the first pup was here, it wanted on the bed, as far as I’m concerned, dog on the floor, cat on the bed. I must have pushed that pup away 15 times DOWN. I think the cat got sick of hearing me, so she comes over and the next time the pup puts its head up WUMP(no claws), pup puts its head up again, WUMP. That was it, now the dog knows, floor only. So how do I make sure the cat is still OK? she seems OK, she can get to higher places to interact with me easier(keyboard comes to mind) and she gets the bed. Should I worry?
Here is the link, there are a few pics, the cat, the chocolate that I had, and these two new ones.
As for training, one pup isn’t that bad, but with two, how do you teach them their own individual names? BTW they don’t have names so any suggestions would be helpful, I’m awful at naming animals. How do you divide the attention? It seems that one wants it more than the other, is it intimidation by the other dog or do they really just not care as much? As for the basic sit/stay/ rollover type of thing, I’m assuming I need to seperate them and work with them individually. I think I’m at an advantage since these two seem very lab like in demeanor, very mild and reasonably calm for puppies. Any advice would be appreciated, sites or books would be good too. Thanx