After coming up with this spelling for a new email <I know, I know, I have too many :p>, I’ve had several dear friends tell me I should change my name here too, that this spelling fits my personality better.
And yes, I have been known to purr on certain occasions.
For certain people…
purrplebear, (who is still not purple, still not a bear, but dearly loves to hug and cuddle and give smoochies and just love on everyone and purrs when rubbed the right way)
{{{{{{Jester}}}}}} smooch
And I must add that it was dear Tuba herself who took time out of her busy day to change the spelling for me. Thank you, oh Great Mod. <curtseys low> Blush Why thank you, Rasa. No, I didn’t want to change too much, just be a little more me.
Congrats, hon. In my ‘JimB drops the Bee and steps on it’ thread (Whoops, probably shouldn’t have told that part), I used this spelling a lot, wonder if anyone noticed.
I think it really fits. I’ve had some of those hugs and they are worth going for.
sigh Not my day for some things, it seems. I meant to say of course:
Thank you, oh Great Admin, Tuba.
[sub]preview is our friend, preview is our friend[/sub]
Why, Lord Jim. You are too kind. And flattery will get you everywhere, with those baby blues smiling at me.
Seeing as how I was one of those friends who encouraged you to change the spelling of your username (love you, honey!) I have to say that I think it suits your personality MUCH better. After all, you AREN’t purple, but you DO purr! Maybe not audibly, but you send your love out to all of us so very purrfectly wonderfully that the whole thing just…fits.
Thank you, BlackKnight. Why certainly! walks into your arms for a big purrplebear hugsmooch
Glad you like it, rocking chair. Cute play on spelling!
{{{{{{rocking chair}}}}}}
Cheri, honey! Yes, you did indeed encourage me. BLUSH And thank you for that.
Zen, dear, thank you so much. I’m glad you like it. True, I didn’t want a big change. I’m still me, still purrplebear. smoooches right back!