Now I’m wondering if people who talk like that have parents and sibling who also talk like that. Is it a learned behavior or a speech impediment? I never really thought about it before.
Imagine a cockney person saying “little.” It sounds like “lih”, then a tiny bit of silence, then “ull.” If you do it right, you can actually feel your throat close up.
There are several people here in Las Vegas who do this, and it also drives me crazy. It is like they are choking on a sandwich or something whenever they say a word with two “t’s” in the middle of the word.
Then again, I wouldn’t last long in Boston because I would constantly be screaming, “There is an ‘R’ in the words car, bar and far!!” Whenever I hear someone from that area talking about some birthday “potty” they went to, I always hope they really were in the potty.
Right, but I thought the OP was talking about something specific, which wasn’t helped by Alice the Goon saying ‘It’s a hipster thing’. I guess I was wrong in my thinking.
Heh. We had an actor in our show once, a Mexican-American guy, born here but with a definite East LA accent. One of his lines had the keyword of “Latin”, and he never could pronounce it as anything but “La’in”. We teased him mercilessly, of course.
When it’s not part of an English accent, or a regional accent here in the states, and it’s just people that say it because they like the way it sounds, and a lot of people do, then I think it’s a hipster thing.