Well, when I typed in Montreal, it was giving me choices of cities in France with “montreal” in the name. So maybe we only see USA/Canada on the map because nobody from overseas has signed on yet?
It’s got the whoooole world, on its map
It’s got the whole wide world, on its map
It’s got the whoooole world, on its map
It’s got the whole world on its map!
I’m trying to add myself, but it gives me “invalid city” no matter how I spell it, so you’ll just have to imagine a little flag in the south of Sweden.
I think the posting of information that might identify your real-life person has been discouraged in the past (although I’m not sure that it is actually forbidden).
Pinpointing your location (right down to your front door, in many cases) would seem to fall into that category.
OTOH, nobody is actually posting that information here on the board; they’re posting it on some other site.