putting Dopers on the map

From this thread http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=333605, there’s obviously continuing interest in seeing where everybody’s from.

The previous incarnations of mapping Dopers’ locations have gone to that big bit bucket in the sky.

However, there’s a new free service devoted to this exact thing: www.frappr.com.

You don’t have to be a member of the service to get on the map.

Anybody interested in setting this up?

I’m game, but I bet the mods will deem it inappropriate.

It already exists. I don’t know if it was mod approved or not. http://www.frappr.com/sdmb
Please remove the link if it’s inappropriate.

Thanks, Lsura! Thats awesome. I added myself. But it would be nice if we had one for the entire world. There are plenty of non-Ameri/Canadian dopers.

Well, when I typed in Montreal, it was giving me choices of cities in France with “montreal” in the name. So maybe we only see USA/Canada on the map because nobody from overseas has signed on yet?

It’s got the whole world there. You just have to zoom out.

It’s got the whoooole world, on its map
It’s got the whole wide world, on its map
It’s got the whoooole world, on its map
It’s got the whole world on its map!

Why would mods find this inappropriate?

Hey there’s someone on there from my hometown. Hi Eggerhaus!

I’ve added myself. Waving to Mycroft Holmes in Utrecht

[btw: That website does funny things to my browser]

I am now on there, not many others in Australia, and no one anywhere near me!

I’m there. Unfortunately, Sage Rat is right on top of me, so mine doesn’t show up unless you zoom in.

I’m trying to add myself, but it gives me “invalid city” no matter how I spell it, so you’ll just have to imagine a little flag in the south of Sweden.

I think the posting of information that might identify your real-life person has been discouraged in the past (although I’m not sure that it is actually forbidden).
Pinpointing your location (right down to your front door, in many cases) would seem to fall into that category.

OTOH, nobody is actually posting that information here on the board; they’re posting it on some other site.

I typed in my zip code and it placed me in Lake Mendota! Close enough, I guess. I suppose I could go live in a boat in order to comply with the map.