Puzzle Compendium

The title explains everything. Have fun.

  1. 3909 persons are waiting in a hall eagerly to be addressed by dignitary. Who was that person?

  2. (from the sideways book of math…i think) Which of the folliwing statements are true and which are false?

i) The answers to #6 and #7 are the same.
ii) #1 is false.
iii) The answers to #4 and #20 are different.
iv) The answers to #3 and #20 are different.
v) The answer to this statement is different from the answer to #19.
vi) #2 is true.
vii) #15 is true.
viii) The answers to #11 and #19 are the same.
ix) #10 is true.
x) #13 is false.
xi) Mrs. Jones is allergic to strawberries.
xii) #16 is true.
xiii) #12 is true.
xiv) The answer to this statement is the same as the answer to #11.
xv) At least half the statements in this problem are false.
xvi) At least half the statements in this problem are true.
xvii) The answers to #9 and #4 are the same.
xviii)#7 is true.
ixx) Mrs. Jones first name is Shirley.
xx) The answers to #3 and #4 are different.


In the first round of the European Cup the following teams got the following results.
Liverpool = 3 Bayern Munich = 3
Celtic = 3 Ajax = 2
Charlton = 4 P.S.V. Eindhoven = 2
What was the result for Leeds vs Fiorentina?
P.S. No knowledge of football is necessary.

  1. Which is the odd one out?

5) What colour completes the sequence?

yellow, yellow, yellow, red, yellow, red, red, yellow, red, red, red, red, yellow, yellow, …?
6) What is the link between these words?

    1. Illustrious
  1. Enunciation
  2. Catamaran
  3. Cheers (as in 3 cheers, not the TV show)
  4. Interregnum.
  5. Parallel.
  6. Intuition
  7. assassination
  8. Loanshark

  1. Identify the movies the following 1 word (yes, just 1 word) quotes were taken from

  2. “Edelweiss”

  3. “Delorean”

  4. “Tolchock”

  5. “Damage”

  6. “Cheesemakers”

  7. “Smokin’”

  8. “Fava”

  9. “Shirley”

  10. “Non!”

  11. “Behave”

  1. While Charles was at the supermarket he bought seven things including, a Lime, a hose, an apple, some chocolate and some rope. He bought two other things both of which are in the list below, what else did he buy?

  2. A television

  3. An apple

  4. A sandwich

  5. Some jam

  6. Some potatoes

  7. Some Pepsi

  8. Some eggs

  9. An orange.


  1. “Edelweiss”
  2. “Delorean” – Back to the Future
  3. “Tolchock”
  4. “Damage”
  5. “Cheesemakers”
  6. “Smokin’” – The Mask
  7. “Fava” – Silence of the Lambs
  8. “Shirley” – Airplane
  9. “Non!” – Silent Movie
  10. “Behave” --Austin Powers

My brain started hurting on the other questions.

April is odd man out. “30 days has September, April, June, and November. All the rest have 31, except February.”

You know…I was going to answer #8, thought it was too far fetched, but having reread the question a bit closer, would like to add:

a sandwich

to Charles’ list, thus providing a bag of food beginning with the letters C H A R L E S.

  1. “Edelweiss” The Sound of Music. It’s the little song they sing.

5) “Cheesemakers” - Monty Python’s Life of Brian

Interesting on the months, UncleBill - my immediate thought was that March was the odd one out, since April, May and August can all be people’s names.

tolchok… is that klingon? WAG…

My 30 Days answer is just to logical in an easy way.

About 4), March, April and May are all Spring months, whereas August is in Summer. Maybe April is the odd month because all the others mark a change in season. Or maybe August is odd because it was named after an actual person. Too confusing for my little brain.

About 4), March, April and May are all Spring months, whereas August is in Summer. Maybe April is the odd month because all the others mark a change in season. Or maybe August is odd because it was named after an actual person.

About 5), my WAG is yellow, because each red and yellow had been named seven times, and now the period recycles. Too confusing for my little brain.

TheVoiceofReason: Can we get verification to see if these answers are right? cause I’m stmped by most of 'em.

“They” sing a bunch of little songs, but “Eidelweiss” was sung alone by the Captain, wasn’t it? Oh, maybe Maria joined in towards the end. It was done in a “Take that Nazi bastards” way, which I didn’t really get. It’s just a song about a flower.

Everything Charles bought ended with “E”, so I guessed “apple” and “orange”, but the acronym solution is probably correct. You can’t trust people who use Charles as a first name.

I thought the true/false one would be easy, until I realized that the clues themselves could be true or false. Then my head exploded. If anyone solves that one, I’d love to hear how you approached it.

Ok, quick recap.

rundugrun Well done, Charles buys eggs and a sandwich.

UncleBill & avacado - April is right, but not for the reasons you’ve suggested. See if you can find out the real reason.

** Movie Quotes. ** Edelweiss and Cheesemakers are both right. Only two, Tolchock & Damage, remain unsolved. They’re pretty obscure but here are a couple of hints. Damage is from a teen comedy/satire and Tolchock is from a film which was (at least in England) banned at the directors request.

Also, number one is very sneaky. Try using a calculator :slight_smile:

Keep trying!

Well, if you put 3909 into a calculator and turn it upside down, it looks sort of like “pope.” But I don’t think that’s right.


I reckon your right!

Here’s what I got for #2:
1)F, 2)T, 3)T, 4)F, 5)T, 6)T, 7)F, 8)F, 9)F, 10)F, 11)T, 12)T, 13)T, 14)T, 15)F, 16)T, 17)T, 18)F, 19)F, 20)T
It is one of those questions that if you go wrong anywhere the whole thing may be wrong.

And I think #3 is 4-1


Tolchock = A Clockwork Orange

Yes, but you didn’t go wrong once. Well done. Keep trying on the football question though.

Also for number (1) the dignitary is the pope, well done Zero.


  1. Solved - The Pope

  2. Solved- 1)F, 2)T, 3)T, 4)F, 5)T, 6)T, 7)F, 8)F, 9)F, 10)F, 11)T, 12)T, 13)T, 14)T, 15)F, 16)T, 17)T, 18)F, 19)F, 20)T

  3. Unsolved

  4. Not quite solved

  5. Unsolved

  6. Unsolved

  7. Almost solved, only Damage & Tolchock to go.

  8. Solved - Charles bought some Eggs and a Sandwich.

I’m going to bed now so I won’t be able to comfirm any future answers until tomorrow but I’m sure they’ll all be done by then. You’re almost halfway there. Keep trying!

I must type quicker. Well done Euty, Clockwork Orange is right.

A clockwork orange, droogie.