Question about "Being John Malkovitch" (SPOILERS!)

OK, I finally got around to seeing this movie the other day (on TV no less). Overall, it was a great flick, and it took me the longest time to realize that the role of the mousy wife was played by Cameron Diaz.

Anyway, there was one thing I wasn’t able to figure out… I understand that Craig was able to control John Malkovitch when he was inside John because Craig was a pupeteer. Did they ever explain why he was able to stay inside John for so long, though? Why was he suddenly able to avoid being kicked out after 15 minutes?

I should point out, BTW, that my wife kept asking me questions during the film, so I missed a fair amount of dialogue.


Errrr… make that “Malkovich.”


He said something allong the lines that the trick was not fighting the body, but moving it and using it naturally, also from his pupeteering ability. The body sort of rejects anyone who trys to force it to act in a way not natural to itself.
Great film, especialy the Malkovich ‘hell’.

Thanks, Bippy!
