My eyes for the most part are different shades of blue. However, my eyes change color according to my mood, what color I am wearing, and the lighting. My eyes usually stay in the blue and green range, but sometimes appear a grey color. In pictures we had taken professionally of me, my eyes appear blue in some, green in some, hazel in some and even brown in a couple. People have looked at the pictures and asked, “what color are your eyes Nik?” My sister in law said that I have what is called “chameleon eyes”?? Am I alone in this? I kind of like it, but it’s kind of weird too…
My son’s eyes are the same way. I think it is in part related to how many/how deep the folds are in the tissue of the iris – with a “crinkly” iris it is very easy for them to catch the light in different ways.
The author Martha Grimes has her character Emma Graham (I think it is in the book Cold Flat Junction) say that she’s been told she has “shrug-colored eyes” because when asked what color her eyes are, no one can answer, they just shrug. I love that description.
My daughters eyes are like that. Hers can range from a plain ole blue to deep blue to crystal ice in the right light and depending what color she is wearing. It is one of her most outstanding features.
She got them from her father. She also got his ears but that is for another thread…lol
My youngest brother, my Dad and two of Dad’s brothers have eyes like those. So do a bunch of my cousins, but I haven’t bothered count them.
One day Lilbro got home laughing so hard he couldn’t tell us what it was about. He just kept breaking into giggles. Anybody who’s ever met a 17yo boy will know that 17yo boys most absolutely Do Not Giggle, as it is beneath them. Well, he just couldn’t help it.
Turns out that two of his oldest and closest friends had gone up to him during recess and, after some hewing and humming, asked him what color his eyes were, as one of them had been saying grey and the other blue.
Well, they’re grey… or grey with hints of blue… or a darkish blue… or radiant blue… or, if he’s excited (in any sense of the word, so basically it’s the adrenaline), an amazing green.
Others in the club! People have asked me, in all sincerity, what color my eyes are (while staring at them). Since I don’t actually know myself…
There is the tempation to say that they’re yellow, and I wear colored contacts so I don’t stand out too much.
I also have eyes that shift color. My “base” is a narrow light brown ring surrounded by green, with some rays of the brown shooting out through the green. But they can appear green, brown, gold, or any combination of the former, depending on lighting, mood, and the clothes I’m wearing.
My eyes used to shift between bright green and medium brown, but generally were olive green.
They now shift between green and blue, and occasionally grey.
I’m not sure what caused the change. I think they’re basically hazel (brown ring around greenish middle). Or maybe the other way around, I don’t have a mirror handy.
My eyes do the same thing, from blue to green to gray. When I cry, they turn a really cool shade of green. I call it chameleon, though I like “shrug”.
When I got my first driver’s license, the guy asked me my eye color. I hesitated, and, without looking up, he just wrote “hazel.” When I got my second license, my hair was in a transition between blonde and brown (was born blonde, but, like my mom, my hair turned brown in my early twenties), so there were two questions I didn’t know how to answer.
I have blue/green/gray eyes. My father had cornflower blue eyes and some of my sibs have that. My mother has green eyes; some have those. I got the mix. I notice they’re deep blue around the edges and greenish gray in the center. I’m not sure they really change color, but if I wear a green shirt, they look green etc.
I call mine “faded navy”. Back when I could tan (I now have vitiligo), my eyes turned an ice blue in contrast to my biscuit colored skin. At times they can look gray, at others, they can look deep blue. Never green, though.
My husband has “no color” eyes which we call hazel. They truly are no real color–kind of blue, kind of gray, kind of green, but with brown…
My eyes also go through apparent changes in eye color, due to clothing color, eye makeup, distance from the observer (including slowly pulling away from a mirror while maintaining eye contact with my reflection), lighting, and how white the whites of my eyes actually are- redness due to crying or exposure to irritants, I mean.
My state ID card calls them blue, but other authorities have called them green.
According to a color-blind friend, my eyes are an “interesting color” when compared to other people’s eyes.