Question about Gay/Lesbian Teachers in Schools

Sincere question here.
We all know that in general teachers or adults in any position of authority over their students should not be physically touching them. But there are things such as healthy physical affection vs inappropriate physical touch. So for example, when you see a male gym teacher playing with the boys (whatever sport it may be), you might see something like a pat on the back, a high 5, a rub on the head, even a hug and you might not think much about it because it’s just the guys.

If that male teacher did that to a little girl, why do people automatically assume sexual and predatory thoughts and apprehension? Of course I know the answer to this. It has to do with sexual attraction and gender. Males are sexually attracted to females so it makes it seem much more inappropriate if you see a male teacher get a little playful with his female students (healthy interaction but you’ll still have judgments or suspicions or discomfort seeing it).

So then would the same thing exist if it was a Gay teacher who was playing with the boys (sports) and he started to give them pats on the back, hugs, head rubs, etc. When you see that, isn’t it supposed to make you feel uneasy because he’s gay which means he’s sexually attracted to other males?
Conversely, if this gay male teacher was playing with the girls, then you should feel no worry or uneasiness because you know he’s not physically attracted to girls and he would not have any sexual intent if you see him physically interacting (healthy) with girls.

It seems to me this double-standard isn’t quite known yet and people still worry only about seeing a male teacher with his female students vs a gay male teacher with his male students (which should be equally as concerning or none of them be concerning). Why this double standard? This also applies vice versa.

If a female teacher had a little boy sitting on her lap, it seems to be quite adorable and warm/affection and nobody is thinking suspicious thoughts. But if a male teacher had a little girl on his lap, it’s a huge no-no and or he’s somehow a sexual predator.

Now if a female teacher was a lesbian and she had a girl on her lap, shouldn’t you also see it as the same as a male teacher with a girl on his lap?

In a word, no.

OP, politely and cordially, what the fuck are you talking about?

My understanding is that many school districts in the U.S. have now either seriously restricted, or outright banned, teachers from touching students, except in emergency cases. Even the “healthy physical affection” that the OP suggests, may be a thing of the past in many districts.

My wife is a former elementary-school teacher. There’s a television ad currently running, for a prescription asthma medication, in which a high school teacher is walking through the school, interacting with students. At one point, she uses her hands to gently push apart a boy and a girl who are standing close together; my wife saw that ad, and said, “she’d never be allowed to do that in a real school.”

This thread is straight out trolling.

It will remain closed and a formal warning and suspension for trolling why we discuss your posting privileges.