As a proud card-carrying member of the Professional Sci-Fi Geeks of Earth (ok I just made that up) I feel qualified to answer your question.
However, to do so, I think it’s best to simply describe the premise; in doing so, I think the answer shall become clear.
Ok, so, dateline: Earth, sometime in the mid 1940’s. A human-looking alien who just dresses REALLY flamboyantly shows up out of nowhere telling folks that the world is about to be destroyed. Nobody, of course, believes a word of it.
Turns out his home planet has been working on a virus for reasons irrelevant to this discussion, and needed some ‘guinea pigs’ to test it on. Since they were virtually identical to humans, biologically speaking, Earth was the logical target. Hey, come on, it’s a big universe… it could happen! q;}
Anyway, the flashy dresser from paragraph three there decides this ain’t right, and tries to warn us. Too late, the virus is on it’s way… and then BOOM, the delivery device explodes over New York City, and the spores drift on the breeze. NY gets hit hardest, of course, but the jet stream and such carry spores all over earth.
The kicker is what the spores do, and I’m rather drastically oversimplifying this: They alter the DNA of the host/victim, seeking out the person’s deepest subconscious desires, and then ‘twisting’ their DNA in an effort to bring those desires to a reality.
Yeah, right.
Makes for a good story tho.
So, for example, there was a little kid who just LOVED dinosaurs (what little boy doesn’t?). When he got hit by spores, they picked up on that, and he got the superhero power to turn into a dinosaur. They called him “Kid Dinosaur”… because unfortunately, his mass remained the same. The amount of matter used to make a 12-year-old boy makes for a VERY small dinosaur, but he did it anyway.
Or to use my personal favorite of your examples there, Fortunato was all into tantric sex. When the virus hit him, he got all these sex-related superpowers… which he has to ‘charge up’ with a nice round of shaggin’ if he wants to go fight evil. And the big swollen forehead, which made it pretty obvious he wasn’t ‘normal’… but didn’t affect him much otherwise, so they called him an “Ace”.
The downside, of course, was those people who subconsciously hated themselves. These are the folks who turned into squids and piles of slime and hideous deformed things… the ‘jokers’.
The books described the results being something like: Of those people who were infected with the virus, 90% died; suddenly mutating into a methane-breathing creature, right there in the city, pretty much guarantees you’re not gonna make it. Of those who survived, 90% became ‘jokers’, with ‘hideous deformities’… these are the people with, say, a third arm growing out of their forehead. Not all that useful, but ugly, and not life-threatening. That leaves 10% of 10%, or 1% of those infected, who became “Aces”… a combination of minimal or no obvious deformities, and some useful power.
And even among those, there was some crossover.
Personally I really loved this series, and steal concepts from it all the time for my own use. q;}
Hope that answered yer question.