Question about vB code

I’ve read all faq’s on vB code, and was wondering, at the risk of exposing myself as computer illiterate (o.k. , too late for that), how to get a specific (attributed) quote i.e. “originally posted by x”. Are there any other cool things I can do with vB code not mentioned in faqs?

eunoia, the nice formatted

Comes from pressing the ‘quote’ button bottom of a post.

About the only formatting things that aren’t mentioned in the faq and vB code area is the [**sub] and the [**sup] tags for subscript & superscript.

Now, how people have found to do special things with the regular codes is something else. Dig back thru this forum and you’ll find many threads explaining how to do stuff like this one, vb code explained by Louie.


Thanks, Jim, helpful as always!

your humble TubaDiva
who is always thrilled to see Dopers doin’ it for themselves.

[sub]thanks, it’s all clear to me now[/sub]